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  1. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    Just wanted to post another update: after her antibiotic treatment we continued foot soaks every other day, and the scabs have finally fallen off! we’re working on reintroduction to the rest of the flock
  2. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    update: her foot is still swollen, but it has come down significantly - we switched her to an extra fine pine shred and moved one of the bantams into the box with her for company as well ♥️
  3. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    Thank you for checking in @SmiYa0126 ☺️ no changes in her condition so far, but the foot hasn’t swollen any more so we’re hopeful after a few more days on antibiotic the swelling will go down completely!
  4. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    Thank you again @Wyorp Rock and @Eggcessive so much - just got finished with our second Hibiclens bath for today then drenched the feet with Betadine and rubbed some Bacitraycin with aloe on - they are still very purple, with the darkest of the areas being scabbed - she’s still eating and...
  5. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    Thank you @Eggcessive - I’ll run to pharmacy for those! I haven’t had luck with a vet yet, but a friend offered her bottle of Augmentin(875mg) which has Amoxicillin in it - would that help the chick?
  6. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    UPDATE the Ag vet gave me the dealing with raccoons is part of owning chickens pep talk and wished me luck 🫠 so now we are going to try the vet we take our dog to
  7. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    Thank you for the antibiotic recommendations @Wyorp Rock - would it make a difference in dosage if she’s still on medicated feed? I had chickens in the past lose nails or tips of toes but it’s never been this severe and I’m wondering now if the Blu Kote was a bad idea…I’ll call the ag vet as...
  8. lucky-donna

    ((Graphic Photo)) Post Raccoon Attack Help

    Hello and thank you in advance for reading! 2 days ago I had a 12 week old chick get half her toes removed in the AFTERNOON (around 1:30!!!) by a raccoon - we heard the babies screaming and ran out in time to see it under them but it ran off before I grabbed my 22… after checking everyone over...
  9. lucky-donna

    Hen can’t walk

    Hannah, as promised here are the necropsy results... hopefully this may help you
  10. lucky-donna

    Hen can’t walk

    Hannah Green, I am so sorry for your loss 😞 we just lost all but 1 in our flock to symptoms similar to this within the past month - however, ours were completely asymptomatic until about 12-24hours before death. I realise your poor hen declined over a period of days and death was not as rapid...
  11. lucky-donna

    Hands on hatching and help

    @WVduckchick thank you for responding! Internal pip was at or before 6AM but not before midnight - so at most 10 hours... My humidity is running 68% and temps of 99.7
  12. lucky-donna

    Hands on hatching and help

    Please help, I think this chick is shrinkwrapped so i made an assist hole about an hour ago and still nothing
  13. lucky-donna

    help for the 18th day!

    so when I joined I had posted about my lovely broody Tolbunt - and the Hovabator. I did end up removing the 2 eggs I left in her care and popping them in this Genesis EZ Chick Oven (as my friends know it.) Everything was going smoothly at first but around day 12 I had a couple quitters 😞...
  14. lucky-donna

    Hello friends!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I grew up with a mixed flock, but got a flock of my very own 8 months ago! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 (3) What breeds do you have? Polish Tolbunt (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard...
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