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    Incoming air raid .... flock to the bomb shelter....

    A Ukrainian woman has trained her flock how to respond to the air raid sirens
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    Who should I blame?

    The pop door didn't close last night and someone got a hen. Some Pennsylvania predator dragged the large dead bird up onto the roof of the coop, nibbled a bit of belly, and then took off leaving the remaining birds alive and well. Who does that? I'm right in town but only a mile from...
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    Chicken Coop in BASEMENT?

    Some fireplaces and some high efficiency gas appliances suck in raw outside air and exhaust dirty air. If you really wanted a basement coop, and you're handy, you could build one that is "weather tight" against indoor home air and uses abundant ventilation from outdoors. Insulate the coop to...
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    Moulting affecting coordination?

    I know this post is almost 10 years old, I just noticed my own hard molting girl is doing this and wanted to speculate yet another reason.... Maybe there's pin feathers growing in tenderspots that poke painfully with a normal stride. It could be they're just moving weird to stop the sharp...
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    Ended Official BYC Contest - Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2021

    This bird is the first time I saw or even heard of "hard molt".... I was freaked enough to post in the DISEASE forum! Here's how she looks a couple days after the first pic I posted in this thread.
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    Hard Molting- Bullying - Shortening days - Lights or no lights - Ending midwinter laycation

    thanks, great ideas. Sounds like a mini TS "coop" or rabbit hutch, inside the current 12x12 run would be perfect
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    Hard Molting- Bullying - Shortening days - Lights or no lights - Ending midwinter laycation

    Yesterday I had my first OMG reaction to a suddenly ragged-looking bird. Thinking "disease" I posted in that forum and several of you kindly taught me about hard molting. That thread is here. The flock is six ISA browns, all 18 months, no rooster..,... in central Pennsylvania where the days...
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    Suddenly losing feathers and looking awful but behaving like the poor runt we know and love.

    you ain't kidding! Thanks that's a relief. I'll watch to make sure she keeps eating and otherwise being normally shy Thanks to @Ryguy3684 and @Tonyroo too
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    Suddenly losing feathers and looking awful but behaving like the poor runt we know and love.

    Its my first autumn with birds more than 1 year but the amount of feather loss seems extreme. Stand by please while I transfer pics from one gizmo to the one that can upload them
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    Suddenly losing feathers and looking awful but behaving like the poor runt we know and love.

    One bird is suddenly losing feathers and may be underweight, but seems "normal" otherwise. 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Uniform flock of six 18-month old ISA Brown; The sick bird seems underweight, but I think its...
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    Problems getting an automatic door to close in a deep litter coop

    Its been a few months so I suppose you have this solved, but for anyone else with this problem I'll tack on an idea I had..... if simply making the door lip higher isn't and option.... and rebuilding a new door higher up off the floor isn't an option...... You could build a retaining wall for...
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    DIY Auto Chicken Door I Made ~$50

    Looks like a closed system...... if true, that's not an issue, since there's nowhere for the water vapor to escape
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    Overly-complicated, super-ugly, eggshell feeder ... that works and was free

    Thanks for kind words all! Since I feed from a bottle, they need to be small enough to easily flow through the neck of the bottle. That means breaking them up. After baking they are MUCH easier to break up. Plus they dry out, which helps prevent them from clumping in the bottle. I...
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    Overly-complicated, super-ugly, eggshell feeder ... that works and was free

    I've tried various ways to serve eggshells to my girls. When I bake something else, I will throw in whatever shells have accumulated at 400 for 10 min. After they cool I have a beat up rectangular cake pan..... on top of that a beat up cookie cooling rack with 1/2 mesh.... on top of that 1/4"...
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    Free DIY barrel funnel for feed and water

    Maybe this is old news but you can upcycle trashed water jugs into quality barrel funnels. My local bottled water company has to pay the landfill to get rid of worn out bubbler jugs. They gave me a bunch for free. These things are polycarbonate and in my area are not recyclable. Cutting...
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    Mechanical timer for lights (in winter temps)

    Re Sunsmart feature.... It piques my interest for eventual pop door operation, as an economical option per the clock instead of ambient light.
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    I need you to tell me your funniest chicken fails!! I must crown a winner!!

    When I eat an apple on the run, I give it a bit of polish, just in one spot, before taking the first bite. It's a silly life long habit, I know. I don't polish the REST of the apple, just the spot for the first bite. It's entirely without thinking. Anyway, about six weeks ago I did chicken...
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    Mechanical timer for lights (in winter temps)

    FYI, I took mamjo's advice and went with the $13 simple single outlet model of the mytouchsmart. It has two programmable on/off cycles for the one outlet. I would have got the $25 sunsmart version with two outlets, and a brain that can adjust your programs to account for changing sun up/down...
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    Mechanical timer for lights (in winter temps)

    Thanks mamajos, the mytouchsmart looks interesting. I really like the other model, with the dual outlets and the computer brain making auto adjustments through the year, for local sunrise/sunset. Except they don't stock them on area shelves, but my area Target does offer a $12 simple 1 outlet...
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    Mechanical timer for lights (in winter temps)

    Apologies; I didn't take it as rude, but I suppose my reply may have been. Like most coops mine is unconditioned space (no insulation, no HVAC, plenty of fresh air ventilation). The power hookup is out of the arctic blast and protected from precip, but its still winter temps (under the...
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