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  1. C

    Chickens keep dying

    The two silkies are the ones who aren't doing well. The black hen feels like a pretty good weight, while paint isn'ttoo bad. The Ameraucana is doing well, but feeling his chest he is very skinny.
  2. C

    Chickens keep dying

    I am feeding 18% chick starter. They are 4-6 months old, no eggs yet. I change their water daily, occassionally missing a day. They are either in an enclosed run or still in a brooder in the garage, so they couldn't have gotten into anything, besides the buff orphington, she was free range. I...
  3. C

    Chickens keep dying

    I'm having a problem losing chickens lately and quickly. It started off with a buff orphington hen acting lethargic and dying overnight. Then silkie cockerel not lifting his head up and backing up until he ran into something and laid down. Treated with nutridrench and selenium paste but would...
  4. C

    Silkie colors!

    I just got my first silkie chicks! I've gathered they are probably not standard colors, but was wondering if anyone has any similar or know what colors they may end up? Here's pictures of the 2 chicks, one week apart. The first two are one chick and the last 2 are the other.
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