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  1. GeeseGoose

    HELP: Duck Lays White Foamy Mucus

    it’s been about an hour and a half since she passed the shell-less egg, and she’s still laying around, but she’s grooming herself, pooping, drinking and no longer seems to be trying to push something out. I’m still concerned, so if anyone has any idea on what to do, please tell me!
  2. GeeseGoose

    HELP: Duck Lays White Foamy Mucus

    Another update: I noticed a leech in the tub- is this related??? I smashed it and it had some blood in it- poor girl! she just pooped normally, with maybe two tiny bits of foam- I just filled the tub up a little more and I’ll keep her in for another ten minutes. Please, how can I help her?
  3. GeeseGoose

    HELP: Duck Lays White Foamy Mucus

    UPDATE: I drew her a warm (not hot) bath and within seconds, she let out a shell-less egg and some poop. She’s now sitting and drinking. I’ll keep her in here for another 8 minutes as of when I started writing. She’s puffing a little, still
  4. GeeseGoose

    HELP: Duck Lays White Foamy Mucus

    Help, my duck seems to be trying to lay an egg, but she laid this I believe??? She’s been really broody lately and I’m worried. What is this, and how can I help her?
  5. GeeseGoose

    Goose Ate Piece of Croc Jibbit? (Soft PVC)

    Yeah, I’ve been reassuring myself that I’ve seen her eat pebbles bigger than that
  6. GeeseGoose

    Goose Ate Piece of Croc Jibbit? (Soft PVC)

    Are you sure? I don’t want my baby to have any issues :fl
  7. GeeseGoose

    Goose Ate Piece of Croc Jibbit? (Soft PVC)

    Hello, my Embden Goose just snuck up on me and managed to tear off a piece of my croc jibbit, then promptly swallowed it before I could get a hold of her. It is made of a soft pvc rubber, and the portion is about corn kernel sized. Will she be okay? Should I try and induce vomiting? The victim...
  8. GeeseGoose

    Help: Weird Sleeping Position?

    So cute! My Sally is a bit shy to touch, but definitely enjoys my company. I’m trying to get them to the level you’re on with your drakes, but it’s a slow process. Luckily, my goose is a total love!
  9. GeeseGoose

    Help: Weird Sleeping Position?

    Adorable! A head rest
  10. GeeseGoose

    Help: Weird Sleeping Position?

    that’s cute! And while it certainly isn’t hot weather, she IS a bit on the heftier side of duck breeds. No croupy sounds! She doesn’t seem to like clearing her nose in the dishes, either. We have a large pond that they spend most of their day in/by, where she usually does her swishing.
  11. GeeseGoose

    Help: Weird Sleeping Position?

    Sally, my female Duclair occasionally sleeps/rests like this, and it worries me. It seems pretty innocuous, but I can’t help but fear somethings up. There’s not much else concerning going on, other than that she is slower than the rest of the flock and seems a bit “air headed.” She is also a...
  12. GeeseGoose

    Dr. Seuss Eggs in Autumn

    Thanks! I tried editing, but I don’t see the tag input 🤔 I’m on mobile, if that changes things it all came back to me, especially being startled by the goose breaking the silence with a crunch!
  13. GeeseGoose

    Dr. Seuss Eggs in Autumn

    Thanks! I tried editing, but I don’t see the tag input 🤔 I’m on mobile, if that changes things
  14. GeeseGoose

    Dr. Seuss Eggs in Autumn

    I realized I forgot to add tags! Does anyone know how I can add them after posting, or if that’s even possible? Thanks!
  15. GeeseGoose

    Dr. Seuss Eggs in Autumn

    So today, I had a shock while making an omelette, as I had not planned to make green eggs and ham. I cracked open a fresh egg, only for it to look like this: Obviously, this scared me. At first, I panicked. Are one of my ducks laying rotten eggs? Is that even a thing? Is it… bacterial?!? Then...
  16. GeeseGoose

    Ended Official 2021 BYC Other Fowl Molt Contest

    Bee did that once! It was so sad to watch her try to scare of the encroaching wild geese…😅 She’d show her stubby wing span, (the “big guns,”) to the Canadians in an effort to shoo them off. They probably would’ve laughed if they could.
  17. GeeseGoose

    Ended Official 2021 BYC Other Fowl Molt Contest

    Bee(tlegoose,) my embden goose had mooted a ton of feathers on her wings, but they seemed to skip every other feather! Not so majestic, let alone intimidating to the wild geese! The new feathers have since sprouted, but they’re still tiny! I hope to get a photo soon.
  18. GeeseGoose

    Discouraging Mounting and Feather Pulling?

    Thank you for the response! I felt that may be the best option
  19. GeeseGoose

    Ended Official 2021 BYC Other Fowl Molt Contest

    Oh, man! Bee’s new feathers literally just came in, but boy, did her wing span look sad!
  20. GeeseGoose

    Discouraging Mounting and Feather Pulling?

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