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    Review by 'Sc Owell Farm' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    Wonderful article! We can't wait to try these suggestions with our next round of chicks! Thank you for sharing!
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    Paralyzed legs

    @casportpony - Kathy, I've been reading through some of your older posts and wanted to reach out in case you have any ideas on this case. So far, I haven't read about anything quite like this. Thank you so much.
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    Paralyzed legs

    Just wanted to send an update. Ruth is still with us, bright as day and alert as ever. But her lower legs still have no movement or response. She's still eating and drinking on her own; only signs of distress are when she seems to realize she can't stand. We've completed several more checks on...
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    Paralyzed legs

    This is a great chart! I would put her at a 2. Her abdomen doesn't feel bloated or too firm. It has a good give without feeling squishy. She seems to be pulsing(?) her cloaca causing the ab muscles to relax and contract. But she doesn't seem distressed. She started trying to knee walk and so it...
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    Paralyzed legs

    Just completed an egg check and did not feel anything. We're giving her a break from the sling and letting her lay in the sun. After giving her the vitamins she made a fuss and had her wings spread for balance. This is the first time we've seen movement of her tail. Her tail perked up and it...
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    Paralyzed legs

    Sadly we aren't sure when she last laid. We rarely see her in the nest boxes and were beginning to think she's past her egg laying days. She had a warm bath yesterday and will have another with Epsom salt later today. We can't feel anything from the outside but it sounds like it's time to put on...
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    Paralyzed legs

    Thank you Debbie292d! She is not generally picked on but I can imagine it happening after her lack of walking. Chickens be fierce. Regardless, I agree the two are unrelated. We checked our cameras around the coop and confirmed no predators were involved. We started with a basic vitamin mix...
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    Paralyzed legs

    @Zoohtasim, I read through your 2021 post which gave me some hope. I know this was a few years ago, but do you remember if her feet made any attempt to grip your fingers or if they were just limp? Giving her a scramble with extra calcium now in case this is egg related.
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    Vent Prolapse (dead tissue/intestines ??)

    Miss Marcy is just beautiful! Wishing you the best. I have not experienced this (yet) and will be saving this thread for the future. I'm very impressed with the steps you took here. Great job!:yesss:
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    Paralyzed legs

    Hello all, I've been reading through some posts on paralyzed chickens, but our girl Ruth seems to have different symptoms. Looking for any advice. Ruth was rehomed to us by a family who didn't want their birds anymore, so sadly we don't know her age or vaccination status. There's only one place...
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    Welcome friend! You came to the right place for help and it sounds like you are doing a great job with what you have been given to work with. Wishing you the best of luck!
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    Severe cross beak help?

    Thank you so much! We were able to get a little food and vitamin water in her tonight. I made a very liquidy mash to see if she can eat on her own at all, but I don't think she can. I don't have the ability to hand feed that often either, but we're going to try. Very sorry to hear about your...
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    Severe cross beak help?

    Hello again friends, One of my coworkers asked me to take in a family chicken with cross beak. The initial picture I received didn't look too bad and I figured some beak trimming and tlc would do the trick. Upon receiving her, it's much worse than I thought... No idea what her age or breed is...
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    We followed Eggcessive's directions here to create a chicken sling for our girl and she was much more comfortable. I highly suggest it. We used sturdy, comfy cloth and a large plastic storage container. We put holes asking the side of the container and twist ties so it could be removed and...
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    Neurologic problem? Wryneck? Chicken very quickly getting worse...

    Thank you so much. We always wish the best but it's good to be prepared for the worst too. At least she is now at peace.
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    Lifeless Chicken. Please help!!

    Your poor bird was just beautiful and I'm so sorry for your loss:hugs We just lost a favorite ourselves and sent her for necropsy. The results provided a lot of relief to our family. I highly recommend going through this process as you can learn a lot from it. It will also tell you if...
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    Hello Gamesgroup and welcome! Hoping the best for your girl. How old is she? I noticed in your picture her left eye is mostly closed. Is that regular or just happened to be that way in the picture? How is her balance? We just went through an experience where symptoms originally presented as a...
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    Neurologic problem? Wryneck? Chicken very quickly getting worse...

    Thank you for the suggestion about Chinese Skullcap. I haven't heard of it before so I'll keep that in my back pocket. I just got off the phone with the state veterinarian who completed the necropsy: she had pretty advanced cancer. The vet has no concerns for our other birds. Several large...
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    Neurologic problem? Wryneck? Chicken very quickly getting worse...

    Update: I did some additional research and the family agreed the broomstick method was the best option. We said our goodbyes and it went incredibly fast. She didn't even know what happened. Working on the hard cry step Wyrop Rock mentioned in a post for awhile ago. Just want to say a very...
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    Neurologic problem? Wryneck? Chicken very quickly getting worse...

    Thank you so much...😓 For awhile she was having good days and bad days, but it's been several bad days in a row and she seems pretty miserable. We're in Alaska, and from what we can tell, they focus on infectious disease only. So she'll be going on a journey. Giving her one more night and...
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