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    Comment by 'BowCHICKawowwow2' in article 'Chicken poop'

    I've looked it up. Looks like ceacal? I guess normal? But I've never seen it before. New mom panic moment. They are all healthy.
  2. Chicken poop

    Chicken poop

    I've never seen this color chicken poop before. Anyone know what it means?
  3. B

    Hello BackYard Chickens members!

    So happy for your recovery. You have a plethora of knowledge with many years of crops and animals so it will be nice for the young man to learn from someone with experience.
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    How is your flock today?

    Will they walk on the snow? I was thinking of letting my girls out to explore but didn't want them to get cold feet 🤣.
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    Unknown breed!

    I love the color of those eggs!!
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    Frozen cracked eggs, are they safe to eat?

    I'd like to know the answer to this also. Cold spell in upstate NY.
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    So, we are going to get a couple chicks soon, and our local feed & seed store has Barnevelders, and Barred Rocks soon, which kind should I get?

    I had a barred rock. She was the sweetest girl. If you sat on the ground she would jump up on our shoulders. Good luck in deciding. Get a variety. I have the most beautiful eggs.
  8. B

    Tips on keeping chickens warm in the winter

    I've been giving my girls oatmeal with cracked corn in it in the morning as a treat. Not a lot but enough to maybe warm them up in our zero degree weather. They seem to be doing fine. Only problem I have is sometimes my eggs are frozen by the time I get out of work. Any ideas how to stop...
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    Thank you. I've been told conflicting information. Someone said if I dont wash them I can keep them at room temp for up to 2 weeks. Others said they will grow bacteria if not washed and refrigerated. I've been just keeping them in the garage and washing before I use them. I haven't gotten...
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    How long are eggs good for? I have been just taking the eggs from the nesting boxes and keeping them in the garage (about 50 degrees f) without washing them. Would it be better to wash and refrigerate them? How long are they good either way?
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    Cracked corn

    Thank you.
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    Cracked corn

    My father grew up on a farm and said in very cold weather they would give poultry cracked corn in the morning and night because it helps keep them warmer? Anyone ever hear of this? We are having a cold front of 0 degree farenheit temps this week. The coop has no drafts but it does have the vents...
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    How many eggs? Is this normal

    How do you freeze eggs?
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    How many eggs? Is this normal

    Do they have the right feed? Do they have enough water? How old are they? How many laying boxes do you have?
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    Which Breed Shall I Hatch?

    My flock includes white leghorn, rhode island reds, barred rocks and easter eggers. I love the multitude of egg colors. Good luck choosing. It is so hard.
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    Hatching Grocery store eggs attempt

    I thought grocery store eggs couldn't be hatched?
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    Do i heat the coop or not?

    How do know how much ventilation is enough? My whole coop is ventilated right under the roofline around the coop. Then we have a 4'x3' window on 1 side. I'm contemplating closing it though so there isnt a draft. Or I could just add a curtain to it? Also on one end of the coop I have a 12"×3"...
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