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  1. Tolayducks


    I forgot to post a picture of them!
  2. Tolayducks


    Thank you! They were all huddled away from her so I just placed them by her and now they are all snuggling together.
  3. Tolayducks


    Hello! I woke up this morning to 5 adorable ducklings! Momma is still sitting on the last 3 which should be here any day! My question is I had to move the ducklings next to her because they were all cornered in the coop… I’ve created a separation for her and the ducklings away from the other...
  4. Tolayducks

    Broody duck-candleing question

    Moved the light to a better place was able to see veins
  5. Tolayducks

    Broody duck-candleing question

    Hello! So I have a broody duck who has been sitting on eggs since Aug 16. Everything has looked good in development from what I’ve researched but this morning I was concerned because I can no longer see veins… any advice would be great… she leaves the eggs for a bit in the afternoon when it’s...
  6. Tolayducks

    What to do with a new rooster?

    More docile breed. He’s a sweetheart.
  7. Tolayducks

    What to do with a new rooster?

    Hello everyone. (Background) I have a flock of ducks and my boyfriend who is a park ranger brought home a rooster yesterday that he found on a mountain over a month ago. The ranger that lives there took it in case the owner was looking for it. No one claimed but his numbers were off and he had...
  8. Tolayducks

    Bumblefoot help

    Thanks for the tip!!!
  9. Tolayducks

    Bumblefoot help

    Well it’s healing really well… unfortunately, it looks like majority of my ducks have the start of bumble foot… so we are thinking of cutting the back yard in half and “softening” the ground. None of them are limping and nothing looks swollen, but as soon as I picked them up it looks like the...
  10. Tolayducks

    Help! I don’t know what happened! *graphic image*

    That’s what I was thinking… yes, it was protruding from her. It all happened so fast… opened the coop she came out, laid down flat .. I flipped her over saw was hanging out, ran into the house and called my only contact that has ducks and she was gone by the time I got back out. Yesterday she...
  11. Tolayducks

    Help! I don’t know what happened! *graphic image*

    When I let the ducks out this morning my girl Bo dropped down in front of me and laid flat on the ground… I picked her up and flipped over and there way a bloody “sack” hanging from her. She’s also been broody the last 3 days. I ran into the house to get gloves and by the time I got back she had...
  12. Tolayducks

    Bumblefoot help

    There is a scab! I tried to pop it out last night but she wasn’t too keen on it, today I’m having a friend come over so I have a second set of hands and can get in there and hopefully get it out. The picture I took is before soaking it last night. Thank you so much for all the help!
  13. Tolayducks

    Bumblefoot help

    No limping! 🙌🙌 Night time or early morning would be easiest for me since she isn’t too fond of being caught lol. Thank you for all the help!
  14. Tolayducks

    Bumblefoot help

    It It doesn’t look like there is a scab. I’ll try to get a better picture tonight although I won’t have any help so I’ll be trying this one solo 😳. If there is no scab… do I just keep soaking?
  15. Tolayducks

    Bumblefoot help

    Hello friends! I’ve tried posting this on 2 different threads (while trying to read up and find info out) so I think I’m doing something wrong :( (please advise if I am… still learning how to navigate) … The other day I noticed the top of one of my girls foot looked swollen down the middle so I...
  16. Tolayducks

    Comment by 'Tolayducks' in article 'Treating bumble foot in ducks:'

    Hello everyone, I want to confirm this is bumblefoot on my girl. They have a large area to free range should I keep her confined to a smaller area so she stays off of it? I don’t want to cause more stress for her. Thank you for any help :)
  17. Tolayducks


    Hello everyone! I don’t know if I can tag onto this thread or if I’m supposed to create another so my apologies in advance if I’m doing this wrong 😖. The other I noticed the top of one of my girls foot looked swollen down the middle so I picked her up and I’m pretty sure she has bumble foot. I...
  18. Tolayducks

    Mating problem 4 to 1

    Hi all! I’m still new so I don’t know if it’s correct to reply on a current thread if you have questions similar to the topic being discussed.. but here we go... I have 3 drakes and 10 females. 8 of my girls are almost 5 months old, the other 2 and my drakes are 9 months. The boys tend to fancy...
  19. Tolayducks

    Discarded Drake

    Northern California
  20. Tolayducks

    New member from Northern CA

    Welcome to BYC!!!!! Can’t wait to see picks of the flock!
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