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  1. S

    Limping Duck

    My 4 y/o khaki Campbell is limping this morning too. I'm suspecting a sprain as nothing feels out of place. She's moving her leg a little bit more than this duck but I don't know what I can do for her as far as pain goes. Just Epson salt baths and how often? I can bring her inside away from...
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    khaki mixed with pekin pics please!

    Well, here we are a year later. My 2 girls.
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    Green color on shell

    I'm not sure which of the four it is just yet. I don't think that has anything to do with it, though. They have been normal (white) until just the other day. I have a khaki campbell, a buff, and two that are hybrids of my khaki Campbell and a male Pekin.
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    Green color on shell

    You see that's the thing, nothing that I know of. They've been forging in the same yard for years now, well, the two older ones, and the younger ones I've had them since 12-10-21. They are spoiled they've gotten peas every morning and the regular duck pellets and the same calcium shells for...
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    Green color on shell

    I have 4 female ducks. Two that have been laying for 2 years then 2 that have been laying since May of this year or so. ALL of their eggs are white. Not having changed a thing in their diet, one has, for the past 2 days, been laying eggs with a green color on it?? And I do see DARK green...
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    And now I know! Definitely started after all the mating. I am relieved. OK, thanks ya'll!
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    Why are the feathers beginning to look so...frayed, I guess you could say? Are these just over oiled feathers or the beginnings of something I need to worry about? They didn't used to look like that.
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    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    I'm in D'Iberville. Not to far. I've got 1 drake Pekin and a harem of 4 hens- 1 Buff, 1 Khaki, and 2 Pekin-khaki offspring. What do you have?
  9. S

    Drake mating with younger ducks

    I have 2 hens that are about 1 year old my drake mates with regularly. I also have 2 younger ones that are about 10 weeks old who are actually bigger than either of the older girls and fully feathered, yet, still only 10 weeks old though. Do I need to keep the younger ones separated from the...
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    Inside Ducks

    Lovely. Thanks! I thought maybe there was some kind of magical trick to get rid of them. Lol
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    Inside Ducks

    For those of you who have raised your ducks inside your house. I have had to raise 2 of my girls inside. They are going outside this weekend (for good) as I feel like they are quite old enough and are mostly feathered (they will still have a heat source to go to if they choose to). I've been...
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    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    My drake is a white Pekin. I've 2 grown hens, a Khaki Campbell and a Buff Orpington. I recently let my Buff sit on 6 eggs (she hoarded all the eggs), hoping for girls. She hatched 3- one drake (which I gave away) and two hens that are apparently Pekin-Khakis. They are 7 weeks old.
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    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    Nice to see your so close. I'm in D'Iberville.:frow I don't know of anyone who has Call Ducks around here, though. Good luck!
  14. S

    Feather formation

    Well ok, then. :) I wasn't sure. I thought that maybe Della was picking at Mixey's feathers or something like that and I just hadn't cait her doing it yet, lol. I feel better. Thank ya'll!
  15. S

    Feather formation

    My girls are both 11weeks old now. I'm wondering if anything is wrong with Mixey's wing feathers (she's the one at the bottom of the first picture and to the right in the second) seeing as they were born on the same day, yet one is feathered already and the other one looks like blood feathers...
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    khaki mixed with pekin pics please!

    Anyone have some pics of the Pekin-Khaki all grown up?
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    khaki mixed with pekin pics please!

    So cute! Yep! Mine are definitely the Pekin-Khaki not my Pekin-Buff mix. I wasn't sure in the beginning when they were born because they laid in the same nest but now that I see yours and more more posts regarding these two I'm convinced they are Pekin-Khaki. Mine were born on the December...
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    khaki mixed with pekin pics please!

    These are mine. Just beginning to feather. My drake is full Pekin and hen full khaki Campbell, however, my Buff Orpington is the one who actually sat on them and hatched them! So what did yours actually turn out to look like these days?
  19. S

    I have the same mix...male Pekin and Buff hen. You can imagine my surprise of their coloring...

    I have the same mix...male Pekin and Buff hen. You can imagine my surprise of their coloring when they came out🤔 and curious to see what they grow up as seeing as both mom and dad are clearly light in color and neither one has any black in their beak. What to do yours look like?
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