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  1. icy_flames

    Slow moving crop on antibiotics

    I think she got either some dirt/sand or food stuck in her lungs and it slowly brewed into an infection 😭 This happened a couple weeks ago. My flock was given treats on the ground and she appeared to suck one up too fast and was sneezing a lot to clear. As days went by I could tell something was...
  2. icy_flames

    Slow moving crop on antibiotics

    Agree! I think I saw one website briefly talk about digestion starting in the crop. It's always categorized to just hold food with no break down activity taking place whatsoever. I tried to not discount what the vet said but there's just no way these occurrences were not tied together. My girl...
  3. icy_flames

    Slow moving crop on antibiotics

    I have a two and a half year old hen who is on a couple antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory for aspiration pneumonia. 3 pills twice a day. 😫 2 pills she has been on 10 days. 1 pill, the doxycycline, we started this past tuesday. Her crop has been slow for a week today. We are about halfway...
  4. icy_flames

    Tips giving pills to chickens?

    Yeah unfortunately no one will help me 😭 it would be way easier. How do you deal with when they start squirming + shriveling their head down and you can't really grab the beak? It's almost like I have to wait till she's completely exhausted and finally lets me get it in there.
  5. icy_flames

    Tips giving pills to chickens?

    Hi there. Does anyone have any tips to give chickens pills? I've watched a lot of YouTube videos, observed my vet do it three times now (wrap in a towel hold beak open with fingers) and it's still incredibly frusterating to nail down. I'd actually rather go to the dentist than pill a chicken at...
  6. icy_flames


    Looking to possibly rehome 2-3 hens. Buff Orpington White Easter Egg and Dominique. I'm in an urban area and having issues with space + a broody. Kinda learned the hard way how much space they need. The buff is broody every month and i constantly have to break her. Makes me kind of sad all she...
  7. icy_flames

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    So can we relax again when it's winter time, as the migratory birds have already made their way south, or this is just another part of raising poultry now? I think I got my biosecurity nailed down and my girls do not free range. I have dedicated shoes for run and then a set to walk around my...
  8. icy_flames

    Brooding ceramic eggs

    If you don't plan on giving her real eggs to raise chicks the eggs need to be removed to discourage broodiness. It isn't doing her any favors sitting all day on eggs that will never hatch. She can get very weak from not eating and drinking properly. In extreme cases hens can die from this.
  9. icy_flames

    please help- what are the best brands of feed for laying hens? sells organic no corn no soy layer feed. Be prepared to pay a pretty penny these days. $100 for 50 pound bag. I'm in the process of changing formulas because of the expense. My girls will still eat organic but can't do the no corn no soy anymore 😭
  10. icy_flames

    When will these chicken breeds start laying eggs?

    YW 😁 My Dominique Daisy is in my profile picture. She's such a sweet bird. And lays almost everyday!
  11. icy_flames

    Help! Egg yolk eating chickens

    I second ceramic eggs. You'll have to really stay on top of it when collecting eggs and let them only have access to the fakes. They'll figure out eventually these "rocks" don't dispense goodies anymore. Good luck!
  12. icy_flames

    When will these chicken breeds start laying eggs?

    I have two easter eggers and 1 Dominique. They started at 6 months.
  13. icy_flames

    Do you ever feel like a roosting bar?

    They 💙 you. It also means forget trying to get up while they are perched there. "You must wait till we are done human" 🤣
  14. icy_flames

    Purring chicken, happy sound?

    Yep mine purr and grind their beaks when content. It's so cute 🤗
  15. icy_flames

    Soft shelled eggs daily

    I just had this happen last month with my Australorp. She laid 4 soft shells within 36 hours and supplement calcium pills were not working. She also had the same activity level when evening came around; lethargic, wouldn't eat much, just not herself. I helped pull out 2 soft shells from her bum...
  16. icy_flames

    Thoughts on organic chicken feed. What is your opinion?

    I use organic no corn no soy layer feed. My hens do very well on it. Unfortunately the brand I buy just went from $56 for a 50 pound bag to $100 for that same size so I am getting ready to change. They will still get a organic feed but it will have corn and soy. Super bummed.
  17. icy_flames

    Bird Flu In Washington- Info and discussion thread

    I've always been pretty good about having a dedicated set of "chicken clothes" I change into when spending time with my flock. The shoes I just started interchanging yesterday. I'm in an urban setting so thought nothing of it walking all around my yard in my chicken boots. Not anymore it's just...
  18. icy_flames

    very interesting article about avian influenza

    I really regret reading that second paragraph. So unbelievably awful what those birds went through. I'm a mess doing everything I can to protect my 7 hens in a urban setting. Their run is covered, absolutely no free ranging, and I just started using dedicated shoes only for their habitat. Geese...
  19. icy_flames

    How hard can it really be?? Rant!

    Ugh I'm sorry that happened. She clearly didnt give a .... Honestly someone properly caring for my hens is what keeps me from vacations. I don't trust people, not even my own husband😂
  20. icy_flames

    How to stay sane

    Hi everyone. I am an urban owner approaching nearly two years of this very interesting journey of backyard chicken keeping. It's definitely one of the coolest hobbies out there. Waking up early in the morning to get my girls ready for the day and spending a couple hours of my time at night after...
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