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  1. chickenexpert55

    How to raise chickens for eggs?

    I need some help with this, any tips?
  2. chickenexpert55

    Survival rate of bumblefoot??

    Recently my chicken sprinkles had contracted a disease known as bumblefoot. what is the survival rate?? I need to know as soon as possible.
  3. chickenexpert55

    My chickens didn't act normal

    whoops I spelt eggs wrong lol
  4. chickenexpert55

    My chickens didn't act normal

    I know my fair share of info about chickens. However something totally out of the blue happened. I was doing my chickens, when I realized they were roosted all over the coop. my broody chicken was of course sitting on effs, but every other of my 12 chickens were in a random spot of the coop. I...
  5. chickenexpert55

    How do I tame my killer rooster??

    UPDATE: He is now tame however there is a second rooster in the flock and well, you guessed it, it is not going to good. Snow white is his name and recently he has been flogging me
  6. chickenexpert55

    My chickens are becoming a little too attached to me

    A little while back I lost a hen, This was in June of 2020, for a few months the chickens were just using me as a tool to get food. Well later in august of that year the hawk came into the yard. Fortunately I was there and well scared it off, ever since the chickens are coming up to me, letting...
  7. chickenexpert55

    HELP! My 1.7 year old hen layed a weird egg!

    here is a pic. look carefully at the egg :)
  8. chickenexpert55

    HELP! My 1.7 year old hen layed a weird egg!

    hello guys! So I have some chicken that is laying really weird shaped eggs. They seem to have an upper part which is smaller and a lower part which is bigger and covers 75% of the egg. And a troubling hint his that they are all laid in my duck coop. This is the second in the matter of 2 days...
  9. chickenexpert55

    How do I tame my killer rooster??

    I got a black copper maron rooster. Google told me they were safe around all family, but they really aren't. One of my friends has one of these and he calls him black copper moron.
  10. chickenexpert55

    How do I tame my killer rooster??

    My hen's aren't even 1 year old. He is now being "nicer" to me but still occasionally chasing me.
  11. chickenexpert55

    How do I tame my killer rooster??

    I have a few kids ages 6,6, and 9
  12. chickenexpert55

    How do I tame my killer rooster??

    I have a rooster named rooster nugget who was fine until a few weeks ago when he started trying to kill me. He is also attacking my family and that is bad. How do I tame him to be more kind to us.
  13. chickenexpert55

    Can anyone speak duck?

    Sometimes, the duck starts it
  14. chickenexpert55

    Can my chickens get COVID

    It's been a year since I got chickens, and they mean everything to me. Can they get COVID? Yes or no! I would like to know, so I can keep my chickens safe!
  15. chickenexpert55

    i love chickens

    i love chickens
  16. chickenexpert55

    How can deal with a chicken loss?

    Back in June, I lost a chicken to a hawk! But I did not expect it. How can I deal with future losses?
  17. chickenexpert55

    Can anyone speak duck?

    All of them
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