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    I just had a baby chick hatch with the same thing on its head, tho its head its self is deformed and it has no eyes :/ im pretty sure my turkey bred with my chicken soooo
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    Comment by 'bella330043178' in article 'help!!'

    Oh okay, I’m new to this so I’m not really sure what I’m doing oh okay, I’m new to this so I’m not really sure what I’m doing
  3. help!!


    we have a bantam cochin chicken who looks like she’s been trying to poop but can’t, today we got a closer look and found this: anyone know what’s happening and how to fix it??
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    chick help

    i’m not sure how to explain it or if you can see it in the picture but there is a bump in the chicks hip area that is not on the other side and i’m pretty sure it’s connected to the chick stretching out it’s leg. the chick can move that leg and looks like he is trying to get it under him but...
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    chick help

    would putting a paper towel in the incubator help?
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    chick help

    awh i’m sorry about your chicken. i bet she lived a good and happy three months! i hope we can both learn from this post.
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    Newly hatched chick with a bad leg. What can I do?

    I've just hatched a little chick that has this same problem, did your chick's leg fix itself?
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    chick help

    i have a baby chick that had trouble hatching and so i assisted. normally i don’t assist because if it was strong enough and healthy enough it would have made it, but this chick is important to a friend and will be treated more like a pet. after getting out of the egg i noticed it was breathing...
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    Hatching help

    yes! that’s exactly what i did and the chick is out. it wasn’t completely done absorbing the yolk but there wasn’t much left so i left it in the incubator to finish. today more of the yolk is gone and the chick seems to be okay except i feel like it’s breathing kind of hard and it keeps it’s one...
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    Hatching help

    ah, is there no chance of helping? i in no way want to help if i don’t have to. i’ve only helped a chick once before ( it made it) but it freaked me out because i was scared to kill it hahaha but this chick is important to a friend of mine 😅
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    Hatching help

    here is the best picture i could take of it if that helps
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    Hatching help

    thank you!
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    Hatching help

    also i have a chick that hatched around 7 hours ago, could she help motivate my chick that’s still in the egg?
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    Hatching help

    i can’t see much membrane but the part i can see is clear i think? or grey, i can’t really tell. i’m not sure if the membrane under the shell is white or not
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    Hatching help

    ah okay thank you
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    Hatching help

    i’m not actually sure how to check my humidity, i have an old incubator and working on getting a better one.
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    Hatching help

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    Hatching help

    it was earlier today but i’m not sure if it’s still doing it
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    Hatching help

    i’m not really sure how long it’s been like this exactly. it pipped around 5-6 ish yesterday and when i got home today around 3:30 it had made little progress. i’m incubating only two at the moment, the other is much younger and is not ready to hatch yet. the egg i’m worried about pipped two...
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    Hatching help

    i’m new to backyard chickens so bear with me hahah. one of my chicks that i’m hatching pipped around this time yesterday and has only made a small marble sized hole in the egg. it has its beak sticking out as well. i’m starting to worry, anyone have any advice?
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