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  1. E

    My chickens eye is swollen!

    I have a (bantam) hen who is about 7-8 months old that lags had amazing health until a few days ago. I noticed her eye was a little swollen but thought it would go away (it’s happened before). Then I came into the coop today to do some checkups and I find this. I have no clue what to do. She’s...
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    Chickens and geese throwing up white foamy liquid! Help!

    I first noticed my goose shaking his head while white liquid would fly everywhere. The first two times I thought nothing of it really, but he won’t stop doing it 5 seconds apart. Then we have a rooster who is dripping saliva without shaking his head. i don’t know what to do :( (I can’t catch...
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    Baby chick has a bleeding head! Help!

    I separated them right away, but would something like polysporon do the trick? Do you think they Are okay to be with the other three new chicks?
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    Baby chick has a bleeding head! Help!

    So I heard my new baby chicks hatched yesterday screaming for a while, so I went to go check, and I find one of them with a bleeding head and closed eyes. I have no clue what happened. They wher wwith some older chicks but they are bantams so they should have been okay. Only one is hurt and the...
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    2-day old chicks huddling but not under brooder plate

    have you tried putting them under it? this happened to us too, and they figured it out pretty quickly
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    Swollen/closed eye on my rooster

    Where do you think I could get that?
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    Swollen/closed eye on my rooster

    They are all new, and all together now, but have been quaretined. They haven’t really been exposed to the rest of our flock and we wanted the pure bred chicks.
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    Swollen/closed eye on my rooster

    My copper muruan (I have no idea how to spell) has a swollen shut eye. It is frothing a little bit when a net touched it. There’s also a lot of liquid in it. He’s a healthy weight, eats and drinks like normal, and has hay bedding. We only noticed it this evening, and another girl in his little...
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    Beak problems:(

    I brought her home with me last night and she got another one. So I’m not sure. We’lol see how it goes I guess:(
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    Ended Official BYC Recipe Photo Contest - #1

    AHHH 220 please!!! So escited
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    Beak problems:(

    I don’t know why this is(beak rot?) anyways I was hoping for some opinions:)
  12. E

    Egg laying and soft empty eggs

    All my layers are mixed in. I have 2 year olds and 7 months I feed them otter laying feed and some veggies. I’m feeding them from a. Bowl:) they also get calcium and grit
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    Egg laying and soft empty eggs

    Hey so I was feeding everyone this morning and I find a piece of white looking weirdness. It’s totally empty and soft but it feels and has the colour of some of my eggs already. If anyone knows what this is helps please:) these are some different angles.
  14. E

    Dead eggs:(

    I don’t think so. Do they have those at Feed shops?
  15. E

    Dead eggs:(

    We have Been incubating different eggs for a few months and encountered our first problems;(. We usually fill up the incubator with fertile eggs from our farm, but lately they all stopped hatching. We opened a few of them days after they where due to find out that they ALL stopped growing at...
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    Baby chick displaying aggressive rooster behaviour.

    Of the chick itself? I tried taking videos but he always decides not to do it.
  17. E

    Niacin deficiency in a “teenage” duck

    How would you give that to the duck?
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    Baby chick displaying aggressive rooster behaviour.

    That’s right I honestly didn’t know how to spell🙈🙈🙈🙈
  19. E

    Baby chick displaying aggressive rooster behaviour.

    Hey y’all. One of my maybe 4 -5 week old chicks I hatched myself is displaying MAJOR aggressive rooster behaviour. I am pretty skilled with stopping my big ones from trying to be agggresive(if they even are) but this little guy just won’t stop. I’ve tried to use the normal rooster aggressive...
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