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  1. Jlmiller5289


    Thank you!
  2. Jlmiller5289


    I picked these little ones up from an assorted duck bin at Wilco. I was wondering what breed they might be? I was thinking maybe blue Swedish? Thanks in advance! :)
  3. Jlmiller5289


    Well crap 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ How does a rooster do with only one hen? 🤣 (until later when I can get more bantams?)
  4. Jlmiller5289


    Gender? I got this little bantam Cochin out of an assorted bantam bin. I’m really hoping it’s a girl because I only have one other little bantam to go with him/her. The other one I’m pretty positive is a girl. (I have full size chickens that I’ve decided to keep separate because I have a full...
  5. Jlmiller5289

    What breed and gender? 5-6 weeks

    My suspicions were correct then 🤣 thanks guys!
  6. Jlmiller5289

    What breed and gender? 5-6 weeks

    Thank you! My first rooster 😅 this ought to be fun haha
  7. Jlmiller5289

    What breed and gender? 5-6 weeks

    This was a chick that was given to me by a neighbor who didn’t want him/her. Some breed ideas have been thrown around but I was wondering what breed it looks to be now? Also what gender does everyone think he/she is? Age estimated at almost 6 weeks old. TIA!
  8. Jlmiller5289

    What am I? ⭐️ Assorted bantam bin ⭐️

    Ooo that would be amazing 😍 thank you!
  9. Jlmiller5289

    What am I? ⭐️ Assorted bantam bin ⭐️

    I found these little ones in an “assorted bantam” bin. They have the cutest little fluffy feet. Are they just booted bantams? Any ideas on breed? TIA 🥰
  10. Jlmiller5289

    What breed?

    Yeah I think they know when we are trying to help them ❤️ I’m just so thankful this neighbor (who I’ve never even spoken to) brought her to me instead of dumping her
  11. Jlmiller5289

    What breed?

    Thank you! We bonded instantly 🥰
  12. Jlmiller5289

    What breed?

    I had a neighbor show up asking if I’d take this chick because they didn’t want her. 🙁 Of course I said yes 🥰 I was wondering if anyone knew what breed she is? I’m guessing she’s a week or two old? TIA 🥰
  13. Jlmiller5289

    I’m still not convinced 😆

    Thank you everyone!! ❤️❤️
  14. Jlmiller5289

    I’m still not convinced 😆

    I was looking at those too. They look like they come to a point but they have little light parts coming away from the point that don’t photograph well if that makes sense? So the actual feather has a rounder look but it LOOKS like a point when you look at it. 🤷🏼‍♀️😆
  15. Jlmiller5289

    I’m still not convinced 😆

    Oh thank goodness 😆 I’m very attached and I would be heart broken if I had to get rid of her. Thank you so much for reassuring me! ❤️❤️
  16. Jlmiller5289

    I’m still not convinced 😆

    I’ve posted here a few times asking about my EE chicks. I’m still not convinced they are both girls 😆 They are 11 weeks old. I’ve noticed some rust color coming through on this ones neck and her pea comb looks more red and like it has more than one row. It’s definitely bigger than her sisters...
  17. Jlmiller5289

    Duckling bill injury

    Yeah I've noticed that using my clean finger to apply it vs the q tip has been working a bit better. She's just so tiny and spunky I'm worried that I'll hurt her squeezing too hard or something :( Each time is getting a little easier though thankfully!
  18. Jlmiller5289

    Duckling bill injury

    Thank you ❤️ I’m having a hard time getting it on her bill without her “eating” some of it. 🥺 Hopefully it won’t hurt her in tiny amounts? She’s just so darn fast 😆🤦🏼‍♀️
  19. Jlmiller5289

    Duckling bill injury

    I feel absolutely awful. My 10 week old runner (boy) bit my almost 1 week old (est) mallards bill. She bled a little bit at first and when I cleaned it with a saline solution it peeled a little bit. (I was dabbing it on carefully, not trying to rub but she wasn’t holding still of course) I put...
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