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  1. Nenad

    Wry neck in pullet, when to cull?

    She barely hold her head like in the second picture, most of the time her head is way down on her belly turned like in first picture. I don't have vitamin E, Bs or selenium, I can't get them. Is there some food she can have that may help her? Or it won't get better without vitamins and selenium...
  2. Nenad

    Pullet egg bound for 3+ days, when to cull?

    I culled her very sadly. She couldn't lay it after 4-6 days and she was getting thinner and only laid in one place with eyes closed. It was quick and I hope that I ended her suffering before she could suffer more.
  3. Nenad

    Pullet egg bound for 3+ days, when to cull?

    I've done everything that is suggested, baths, calcium, oil after bath, massages, warm and dark place but nothing changed. I've managed to get her to poop. She mostly stays in one place, comb is nice and red, she eats and drinks good. I can see and feel the egg if I try to push it out. She had...
  4. Nenad

    Should I move my broody hen?

    You can check daily and see if crop is full or empty. You can keep food near her beak so she doesn't need to get up but she can spill water and damage the nest so no water near her.
  5. Nenad

    Should I move my broody hen?

    She should be able to get out but you need to be careful, there are some commited broodies that won't go out of nest for eating, drinking or most important pooping one eggs. Had that happened with this one first days when I didn't cover her nest box and now I have to take her out 2 times a day...
  6. Nenad

    Should I move my broody hen?

    I currently have one broody aswell, she if first time broody pullet and she does good job but she wasn't raised by me and isn't comfortable being in house. All I did was cover her nest box entrance and let her outside every day 2 times for 10 mins. She needs to eat,poop,drink, stretch and dust...
  7. Nenad

    Australorp( black legs/white soles) x yellow legs equal?

    Black legs with white soles bred to any breed with yellow legs produce legs with what color? Does the skin genes W-white dominant and w - yellow play some role in leg color incuding soles or no? Thanks
  8. Nenad

    Just saying Hello Hello!

  9. Nenad

    Breeding cage height question

    I would free range them every day for around 1h. I've seen some people also have those tunnels and they are pretty low in height.
  10. Nenad

    Breeding cage height question

    For parents in breeding season
  11. Nenad

    Breeding cage height question

    Well, I don't really know, australorps and leghorns and maybe polish If I find good quality.
  12. Nenad

    Breeding cage height question

    I will build in future cage that looks similar to this and I was thinking is it ok if the height of single section is 50cm or 55cm. 2ft to me is not good because If I make it 2ft that equals to 180cm + room for cleaning trays(10cm x 3(legs on bottom)). It would be for standards.
  13. Nenad

    Do pullets stop gaining weight/growing when they lay their first egg?

    I got one australorp pullet who is really small, not runty but around 1.6kgs and she layed her first egg at 7 months old and I was wondering will she grow any more? Her parents are normal utility weight but she looks like her mom in size but weighs less. She has good weight one her keel and...
  14. Nenad

    Corn for heat? Is it myth or no?

    I don't know, I saw from one guy that raises game fowls and when he wants to add weight, he puts grease for 3-4 days in feed. I also saw on here that too much fat doesn't let them lay eggs, they slow down I guess.
  15. Nenad

    Corn for heat? Is it myth or no?

    There are alot of false or mixed responds on here that I tried to find is it really a myth or no. Some say that it will help them get warmer, other say it won't. Some say by digesting it, it gives them heat during colder days. Others say its low protein, high energy feed that doesn't make them...
  16. Nenad

    Do hens really have certain number of eggs they will lay in a lifetime?

    I was reading on here about cons of adding light during winter days(I won't do it, I am just learning about chickens) and someone said that light doesn't help to produce more eggs but instead it just gets them 'empty' of eggs faster because hens have certain number of eggs during their lifetime...
  17. Nenad

    Raw vs fodder vs sprouts vs fermenting?

    Which one is best for them and why? Thanks!
  18. Nenad

    How many generation would it take to breed out rumplesness from Araucana?

    No, I don't want to breed out, I don't have any araucanas but here where I live, we only have them, not ameraucanas. Im just learning more and more about the chickens so that I can know alot in any aspect of chickens.
  19. Nenad

    How many generation would it take to breed out rumplesness from Araucana?

    Im learning about genetics online so If I can't find any information or don't really understand I ask here.
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