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  1. eslyder92

    Is this normal for a guinea keet to do?

    I am so glad this post is on here. This is my first year with Guineas and I woke up worried this morning that something was seriously wrong.
  2. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    I never thought you were trying to accuse me of anything. I am actually try a couple of things you suggested. You and @Oddyseous were very helpful. I am actually happy to announce that color in the combs have darkened and they are looking better. I hope that maybe there will be eggs very soon.
  3. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Thank you. I think this was the most helpful advice. That and the person who suggested trying a different diet.
  4. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    I am 100% sure they are hens. lol I can't imagine where they would hide them see that they are not free range. They have a nice size run but not so big that I can't see every inch of it.
  5. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Then I will change the feed then. I was going based on package direction for the treatments for Mites and Lice it says every 2-4 months. And the worming treatment says to do it every three months.
  6. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    They were on starter for the first 4.5 months as chicks. We used was Manna Pro Chicken Starter same as the layer feed we are using now. I have thought about finding a different brand please let me know. There is no feather damage it 100% is caked mud from the other day that I have not cleaned...
  7. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Well its true we have never had Racoons in the area and we only have garder snakes and they don't steal eggs. I have 4 hens 3 Lavender Orpingtons and an Easter Egger.
  8. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    yes when it rains their run area gets very muddy I just have to clean her off.
  9. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    We don't have snakes or raccoons in my area.
  10. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    We had rain the other day so they have a bit of mud on them.
  11. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    The Easter Egger was a day-old chick when I got her and my Lavendar Orpingtons were a couple of weeks old. I switched them to layer feed at about 4 months old. Yes they get dusted regularly. We have rabbits and skunks in the area I have never seen a stay cat or dog in 5 years. They get along and...
  12. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Theri coop has a window and plenty of ventalation. I let them out every morning between 5:30 am and 6am and then they usually go into the coop on their on around 8pm
  13. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Here is pics I just took of my two year old Hens One of my Easter Egger and one of one of my Lavendar Orpingtons
  14. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    Yes that Hen was a about a year old in that picture taken about this time last year. I started my current flock in June of 2020.I will get a more recent picture when I get home today.
  15. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    I'll get some recent pictures when I get home. What is a pelvis check? Is this something I should be doing?
  16. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    One of them is from a flock I got at a feed store and she was the only one who made it to adulthood the other 3 are from a family farm in Wisconsin.
  17. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    I have Lavender Opringtons, They have a large run as I live in the city they can't freerange., They get oyster shells, layer pellets, a feed formuated to egg laying, and grubs. Yes they are girls 100% certain of it.
  18. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    They are hens I 100% I know that. This is a picture of one of them from this time last year
  19. eslyder92

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    I have a quick question. Its my first time raising chickens so maybe I am doing something wrong. My hens are going on 2 years old and I still have not had them lay one egg. They have access to grit and oyster shells as well as being on a diet that is suppose to aid in egg laying but I still...
  20. eslyder92

    Sudden Death in 1.5yr old Hen??

    I am so sorry to hear. I just had this happen to 4 of my hen last week. I sent mine to the lab but they could not determine anything.
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