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  1. C

    Free Chicks in RI

    I want some!
  2. C

    Free Isbar silverrudd chicks in MA

    I would want to talk sbout getting some chicks
  3. C

    I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

    Don't kill, its a stage, every single one of our roosters went trough it. PLEASE DONT KILL HIM!!
  4. C


    we warmed him up, he's okay now
  5. C


    its okay... he was just very cold
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  7. C

    When do chickens start to lay eggs?

    also 1 boy duck and 1 girl duck. Both 2 days old
  8. C

    When do chickens start to lay eggs?

    I have 2 sapphire gems, 2 rhode island reds, 2 midnight majestics, and 3 Easter Eggers.
  9. C

    How can you tell the difference between a male baby chick and a female baby chck?

    ok..I have 9 chicks and I'm excited! I'll keep yall updated
  10. C

    Help!! My incubator has stopped heating

    noooo... its happened to me. Do what I did!
  11. C

    Help!! My incubator has stopped heating

    Hope it works, good luck!
  12. C

    Help!! My incubator has stopped heating

    put a towel around the eggs and put a heat pad underneath them. Or use a heat lamp.
  13. C

    How can you tell the difference between a male baby chick and a female baby chck?

    Does anybody know how to tell the difference between a male and female baby chick!???!?!?
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