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  • Users: meredithcc
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    My recovering rooster - need tips to fight cabin fever

    Hi all! I have an injured rooster with a fractured femur, and he is living inside for the winter in a large dog playpen. His recovery is actually going quite well and he is in good spirits, but I think he is (understandably) bored. Any ideas for how to keep him from going nuts while he...
  2. M

    Toxic stain?

    Hi! Is there an issue with staining the outside of a coop with an oil-based stain? I know the stuff is pretty toxic and smelly, but I’m thinking if it’s on the outside it might be ok? We use all no-VOC paint in our home and so I have a bit of a chemical phobia going on. But I found a super...
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