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  1. bacibeau

    Bloody poop in day old chick

    Hahaha thank you so much!
  2. bacibeau

    Bloody poop in day old chick

    I just got two easter egger chicks and they are two days old today. I noticed that one has some blood in her poop. Does anyone know what it could be? Is it coccidiosis? Could they just be some weird poops because she's so young? She hasn't really been eating yet and her sister has normal poop...
  3. bacibeau

    HELP did my broody reject my chicks? what can I do?

    Thank you for your advice She's been sitting for a long time I think its been around 21 days. She hasn't had any chicks before. She's the sweetest chicken though. We just went out there in complete darkness and no noise and stuck our hands under her wings and wiggled our fingers for 30 seconds...
  4. bacibeau

    HELP did my broody reject my chicks? what can I do?

    Is it because I was using a flashlight? Can I try again in complete darkness
  5. bacibeau

    HELP did my broody reject my chicks? what can I do?

    I waited until the sun set and went outside and tried to slip my two 1-day old chicks under my broody and she started pecking at them and we had to take the chicks out. Did we not wait long enough until the broody was fully asleep? It's hard because they can hear us approach and wake up. Could I...
  6. bacibeau

    Where Should I Put Food and Water for Chicks Raised by Broody?

    Hello Everyone! I am getting two new easter egger chicks that will be adopted by my speckled sussex broody hen. I am trying to get set up before they get here so that I don't have to interrupt them and mom for the first few hours. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I should put their...
  7. bacibeau

    Which Chicks Should I Get for my Broody Hen

    Thank you so much everyone!
  8. bacibeau

    Setting Up for Broody's New Chicks and Introducing Them

    We are going to get two new chicks for our broody this Friday and try to graft them onto her (they'll be one day old). Does anyone have any tips or advice for getting the coop set up and how we can introduce them to our broody? Thank you!
  9. bacibeau

    Which Chicks Should I Get for my Broody Hen

    Right now, I have 3 Speckled Sussex and 1 Buff Orpington and one of the Sussex is broody so we are getting her two chicks to raise. We have the choice between Road Island Reds or Easter Eggers but are unsure which to get? Do we get 2 RIRs, 2 Easter Eggers, or 1 of each? We are looking for...
  10. bacibeau

    Are My Chicks Starting To Get Frostbite?

    Hey everyone!! I have two buff orps and three speckled sussex that are about 7 months old now all pullets. Temperatures around here have been getting as low as 29F at night. They sleep in a coop with the door shut, a little window screen to ventilate, and no heat source. We loaded the coop floor...
  11. bacibeau

    Just got my first egg!! What should I do feed wise?

    Hey everyone! My 20-week old buff orp just laid her first egg this morning and it looked completely normal. However, I read online that she's going to need extra calcium in order to keep making solid shells. I bought layer feed (from the same company) but I'm not sure what to do now. She's the...
  12. bacibeau

    How long until my buff orp lays eggs? (17wks)

  13. bacibeau

    How to get chickens to come out and see me

    Hey y'all! My coop is off the ground so the run extends underneath it. However, that area underneath is too low for me or my family to easily go under and grab them. We've been having really hot weather here so lately I've been giving them short baths in a big plastic bin outside two at a time...
  14. bacibeau

    How close is my Buff Orp pullet to laying?

    I haven't really seen her check them out but I'll keep looking because we only opened them yesterday haha. We forgot that we'd shut them off because we didn't want them sleeping in there 😂 . Ill check out the diagram about measuring thanks so much!!
  15. bacibeau

    How close is my Buff Orp pullet to laying?

    Hi everyone! My Buff Orps are 15 weeks old today and one of them looks a little more mature than the other so I'm hoping she'll lay eggs soon. She kind of does the squat thing but I read online that she doesn't necessarily have to squat to be laying eggs. Does anyone have any idea how long until...
  16. bacibeau

    How big should my nesting boxes be for a Buff Orpington?

    Hi everyone! I have two Buff Orpingtons and three Speckled Sussex pullets. I've already built my coop and run including the nesting boxes. I currently have three nesting boxes that are 12x12 each. However, I've been reading online and some websites say that for Buff Orpingtons you need nesting...
  17. bacibeau

    Are my chickens pullets or cockerels?

    I'll keep my ears open! 😂
  18. bacibeau

    Needing advice on maintenance in a chicken run

    Hi I'm quite new to this too (my chickens are 14 weeks now) but I'll let you know what worked for us: Inside the coop, we installed these rods underneath their roosts and we sat little cardboard trays on top to catch their poop. That way, we just take out the trays and dump them in the trash...
  19. bacibeau

    Are my chickens pullets or cockerels?

    Awesome I'll post more later! 😃
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