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  1. Laila992

    How many times can I give Beryls Friendly bacteria?

    He seems to be coughing/sneezing and taking deep breaths in with his mouth. He spends a lot of time outside but also inside the house. Coops pretty well ventilated. I've read a lot that says electrolytes and probiotics can help with this kind of stuff - stress from weather and resp issues. He's...
  2. Laila992

    How many times can I give Beryls Friendly bacteria?

    Hi Everyone, I've recently ordered Beryl's friendly bacteria as it looks like allergy season has struck one of my roosters and giving him some respiratory issues. I see a lot of people raving about it so figured I'd try that before giving him antibiotics. I have 5 chickens in total and 1...
  3. Laila992

    Egg bound chicken

    He didn’t put her on antibiotics. She seems completely fine but she’s started to jump back in the basket and make noise but still no egg. I’m worried it’s stuck again but don’t want the vet to have to pull it out again. We’ve given her salt baths but nothing comes out. Im really worried it’s...
  4. Laila992

    Egg bound chicken

    How long after the egg is removed should she start to egg again? She seems better, runs around and eats/ drinks herself. Her colour is also back to normal. But she still seems a bit tired and naps loads and I haven’t seen her egg or even get in the basket. I’m worried there might be more in there?
  5. Laila992

    Egg bound chicken

    So I wonder if antibiotics might be more likely needed if you physically get in and remove it, which is what the vet did. Maybe try another warm bath after a few hours and calcium. Ours had 2 eggs, one with a soft shell and another without a shell at all.. she was really calcium deficient. Maybe...
  6. Laila992

    Egg bound chicken

    She seems better now. She had a little dust bath and ate a little bit and even ran after the rooster/towards food. So I’m hoping she’s just needing rest after such an invasive procedure. Poor thing, can’t have been nice.
  7. Laila992

    Egg bound chicken

    Hi. I have a chicken that was egg bound and we only noticed as she was behaving like she’s laying and making all the right noises but no egg would come out. So we took her to the vet and he removed it with his fingers through her vent. Anyway, she seems worse since having it out. Really...
  8. Laila992

    Gapeworm or sour crop?

    Hi, did you manage to find out what the treatment was for? I have a baby rooster who keeps gasping for air on and off, with mucus in his mouth. He has a neck twitch too and because he’s still really young, he’s not often outside yet so I would’ve thought gape worm was unlikely. I worry it might...
  9. Laila992

    Breathing difficulty

    Hi. So a few weeks ago my baby rooster (about 6months old) became really sick. He looked a bit dazed, had some sort of white mucus in his mouth and difficulty breathing. The vet said there’s nothing stuck in his throat but have him some antibiotics which we have gave him for 6 days. So after a...
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