Egg bound chicken


In the Brooder
Sep 8, 2021
Hi. I have a chicken that was egg bound and we only noticed as she was behaving like she’s laying and making all the right noises but no egg would come out. So we took her to the vet and he removed it with his fingers through her vent. Anyway, she seems worse since having it out. Really lethargic and pale yesterday, didn’t really eat or move but seems slightly better. She seems somewhat better, the colour in her face comes and goes (usually goes when she sits for long), still lethargic most of the day. I’ve read that it can take days/weeks to recover but I’m also worried she might need antibiotics for an infection. It seems a good sign that she’s better than yesterday but not great that she’s still off and not eating much. Any advice? Do we need to take her back to the vet for antibiotics?
Hi. I have a chicken that was egg bound and we only noticed as she was behaving like she’s laying and making all the right noises but no egg would come out. So we took her to the vet and he removed it with his fingers through her vent. Anyway, she seems worse since having it out. Really lethargic and pale yesterday, didn’t really eat or move but seems slightly better. She seems somewhat better, the colour in her face comes and goes (usually goes when she sits for long), still lethargic most of the day. I’ve read that it can take days/weeks to recover but I’m also worried she might need antibiotics for an infection. It seems a good sign that she’s better than yesterday but not great that she’s still off and not eating much. Any advice? Do we need to take her back to the vet for antibiotics?
How long has it been?

She may be having some issues trying to expel more eggs. I'd get some extra calcium into her (1 Caltrate daily) for a week.
Did the vet get the egg out whole (intact hard shelled egg)?

I'd get her hydrated, electrolytes would be good, then offer her normal feed. A little egg, meat or fish may be enticing to her. Some birds that are really off, seem to be interested in small pieces of melon or cucumber.

It's not a bad idea to contact your vet to see if they have suggestions (Was this an avian vet?).
Same issue came up for us today. One of ours was Egg bound and we put her in a warm soak and epson salts and part of her egg shell came out. She is now moving around slightly better, but is clear the egg is still in there. I am going to set her up in a dark place to help see if the rest will come out. If so should we treat her with antibiotics?
Hi @Wyorp Rock. It’s been 3 days (today is the third). It’s the nearest vet that deals with chickens but not solely. So he prescribed calcium which we’ve given her every day for the last 3 days. We decided not to take her back (worried he might to check her vent again). We’ve also been giving her electrolytes through a syringe. She seems to be running around a bit more now and eating but she seems to want rice, grapes etc. Seems a lot better so I’m hoping she’s on the mend and the calcium will help her egg shells form properly again. I put her in a warm bath yesterday but nothing more came out so will try again tomorrow incase there’s now more in there!
How is she now?
She seems better now. She had a little dust bath and ate a little bit and even ran after the rooster/towards food. So I’m hoping she’s just needing rest after such an invasive procedure. Poor thing, can’t have been nice.
Same issue came up for us today. One of ours was Egg bound and we put her in a warm soak and epson salts and part of her egg shell came out. She is now moving around slightly better, but is clear the egg is still in there. I am going to set her up in a dark place to help see if the rest will come out. If so should we treat her with antibiotics?
So I wonder if antibiotics might be more likely needed if you physically get in and remove it, which is what the vet did. Maybe try another warm bath after a few hours and calcium. Ours had 2 eggs, one with a soft shell and another without a shell at all.. she was really calcium deficient. Maybe try adding calcium high food/supplement or calcium prescribed by the vet? We lost a hen a few months ago to a broken egg unfortunately, we just didn’t know what it was at the time. So definitely try getting it all out. Hope she feels better soon!
So I wonder if antibiotics might be more likely needed if you physically get in and remove it, which is what the vet did. Maybe try another warm bath after a few hours and calcium. Ours had 2 eggs, one with a soft shell and another without a shell at all
Glad to hear she's doing better.
Did any of the egg contents spill into the vent/cloaca when he removed the egg (ruptured membrane)? If so, then I would start antibiotics.
How long after the egg is removed should she start to egg again? She seems better, runs around and eats/ drinks herself. Her colour is also back to normal. But she still seems a bit tired and naps loads and I haven’t seen her egg or even get in the basket. I’m worried there might be more in there?

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