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  1. R

    How to remove human hair entangled on chicks feet.

    My 6 week old chicken managed to get some human hair tangled around one of his toes. I managed to get most of it off but being that the hair is so tightly wrapped around his toe I'm going to need to find a better solution than just scissors. Would using hair remover harm him?
  2. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    If u're talking about me u're mistaken. I just here to get help and advice. I don't like drama. I respect all my fellow farm animal owners/lovers on this site and expect the same in return. Thanks.
  3. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    I did come across the collars while researching and kinda pondered on it but then discarded that idea after thinking that I wouldn't want to deprive him of doing what is second nature to him. I also heard about surgery but, again . . . same idealism. The other tips u mentioned though about the...
  4. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    Ok, vamos a empezar de nuevo . . . Cual fue la pregunta? Mejor dicho, de que es que me acusas??
  5. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    Hahaha. Good question. When they don't have their diapers on I try to leave them in a contained area. Tbh though, cleaning up becomes easier with time. Lol.
  6. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    U know, perhaps ppl have the wrong idea in mind. To make it clear, I live in a 6 room apartment and have the whole floor to myself. It's my brownstone but in consideration to my tenants in the other floors I want to take extra steps to ensure that they're not disturbed in any way...
  7. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    Those are some great tips. Thanks. 🙂
  8. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    Que'st que cest? Je ne te comprends pas mon ami.
  9. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    Forgive me but me no comprende lo que hablas.
  10. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    Thank u for ur feedback and I agree with u 100%. Animals should not be caged up. Notice, I never said that I kept the chickens in a cage. They have free range of the whole house. They're treated better here than in a lot of farms.
  11. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    If that would've been a viable option for me I wouldn't have this dilemma.
  12. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    I put up curtains covering the door entrance which seemed to help. I know that the noise won't be completely muffled but any improvement will work.
  13. R

    Soundproofing home / roosters crowing

    Hey my lovelies, I need some tips on how to soundproof room/apartment to muffle roosters' crows. Other than putting up acoustic foam being that they're not especially aesthetically pleasing what else do u recommend? Thanks.
  14. R

    Which animal protection agency performs welfare checks?

    No, I haven't and nor I wouldn't. She has offered to return them to me which I do plan on doing. So u might say, problem solved, right? Well, no because now see it as my duty and responsibility to rescue not just my own birds but also rescue the other animals who are suffering at her hands...
  15. R

    Which animal protection agency performs welfare checks?

    I understand ur point and let me tell u that after having made a few phone calls and dealt with authorities to some extent I've come to the sad realization that anything that has to do with upholding animal rights and their well-being is not something which is considered as a "real" or important...
  16. R

    Which animal protection agency performs welfare checks?

    Thanks for ur response. One thing for sure is that I can always count on the great advice I receive from the folks on this site. Always constructive, professional, accurate and most importantly given with the best intentions at heart. So, again, ty. Allow me to make this clear . . . I never...
  17. R

    Which animal protection agency performs welfare checks?

    I wish this were the case but unfortunately this person knows very little about caring for chickens. She lied to me from the very beginning promising the best of the best for them but as soon as I handed over the last 2 chickens she completely flipped on me and her true intentions came out. To...
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