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  1. M

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello! We hatched out 3 chicks in the fall who all turned out to be hens, Score! One is super friendly, she runs over to me chatting, does the submit pose and lets me pet her. I'm in Ohio so as the weather changes I add shade cloth and roll up plastic....Trying to keep it cool in the warmer...
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    Tell me about Guinea hens, can I put the hens only into my chicken flock for protection?

    I have 2 roosters but we've had 2 hens killed by hawks and numerous near misse. One attack I was able to intervene, only to have her attacked and killed 2 days ago(4 months from her first attack. I've read that guineas can provide protection but my question is, can I just get guinea Hens for...
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    Today Maybel was attacked again by a hawk. This time I got there too late. Ugh, I don't have the heart for this.
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    We currently have 15. I have a couple of "stations" I've built around the yard. They were meant to be a break from the summer heat with water. I turned one into a "Bath house". It's a hot spot during the winter months. I put greenhouse plastic over everything for the winter and shade cloth in...
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    Oh same here.....the hens hang out under the bird feeders. I only read up a little more on this bird flu thing, today and saw that in a nearby county a backyard flock of 15 tested positive:(. Our run is a good size but we have 2 roosters. They already compete because we don't have a ton of...
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    Hen is puffing out her "cheeks" and neck while breathing, little bit of sneezing and closing her eyes during the day

    Hi everyone! My hen Izzy is almost 2 years old and I noticed her sneezing a few times the last couple of days. Today she was closing her eyes during the day and puffing out her cheeks and neck in a labored breathing sort of way. She doesn't seem uncomfortable or like she's struggling. She's...
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    Netting and roofing panels are a great idea. Will you post pics? Because of bird flu I'm thinking about expanding our enclosure. The wild birds are everywhere and come in with our chickens. I think It'll be best if I can keep them enclosed. They have always free ranged our 4 acres. I feel like...
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    How did your girl get away from the Hawk? I came around the corner and ran screaming at it. It flew off and I scooped up Maybel. All other hens and 2 roosters were down in the coop hiding.
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    Thanks for asking. She is back with the rest of the flock and happy as can be. I had to separate her a couple of times due to the choking, gurgling and spewing. I ended up giving her Panacur horse paste in case she had gapeworm. I gave her epsom salt drench to fix any kind of blockage and eased...
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    No. I can't imagine she'd let me do that. I started treating it as impacted crop with epsom salt in warm water. I give it to her twice a day. She gurgles when she drinks and I still saw evidence of stuff coming back up on her beak this morning. She tends to eat more with the others around so I...
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    Hen bringing up everything she eats. 12 days after injury by hawk

    Hi, I have a hen that was pinned down by a hawk. He punctured her throat high in the neck, injured her eye and pulled off some feathers. She seems healed from all of those. Her pupil is shaped weird now but her neck wound healed perfectly. I managed her care at home. Initially poured betadine...
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    Rooster with growth on his toe

    I would say a couple of months. Thank you for this helpful info. I'll see what I can do about the soaks. He doesn't seem to be in pain but they don't let on about it usually.
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    Rooster with growth on his toe

    you are looking in the right place. i found this picture that shows both.
  14. M

    Rooster with growth on his toe

    Hi, I'm new to posting to this group but I have been following along for years. I need some advice on a rooster of mine. He's a year and a half old with a growth on his toe. I don't think it's bumblefoot but I do a lot of chicken care on my own if you can instruct me. It's been there for...
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