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  1. Jikaaa

    Humidity problems? Or our eggs are just weird

    theyre actually pretty thick, to the point where most of the chicks fail to hatch from the shell being a bit too hard lol. Also, I avoid using porous eggs as much as possible lol, its very disappointing for them to suddenly die from bad protection
  2. Jikaaa

    Humidity problems? Or our eggs are just weird

    I’ve had a turkey hen brood a clutch of 16 on dead dry land excluding the dry dead leaves she used for the nest, the land was so dry that a small breeze made the soil fly. Despite the dryness, the hen managed to hatch 14 of them which surprised me lol. It’s just worrisome that the chicks get...
  3. Jikaaa

    Incubation day 20

    I'm not sure if it's the case for everyone, but candling them for a short while during lockdown doesn't really do much harm to the eggs lol. You could also test if there's movement by floating them in warm water, but I'd recommend you do that if you're sure there's no pipping or holes yet (can...
  4. Jikaaa

    Humidity problems? Or our eggs are just weird

    I don't understand why our eggs; chicken, duck, turkey, etc, die the moment the humidity gets to 50-55. Here's a few data to see this situation lol : BATCH A (Silkies) - Set at 37.9°C and 45-55% humidity, all eggs developed well but only half made it past the first week BATCH B (Silkies w/...
  5. Jikaaa

    Vaulted Silkie Chick walking backwards

    Not very sure what a partially vaulted Silkie head feels/looks like but I got the chance to feel up everyone's heads earlier, no protrusions or bumps so far haha. I'm thinking of giving them a mohawk hairdo, like only keeping one line of feathers on top and the rest is history lmao As much as...
  6. Jikaaa

    Vaulted Silkie Chick walking backwards

    Sadly she died at 12pm last night, had multiple seizures and eventually let go. I'm seeking to see how I can prevent more of this from happening because she's got about 4 more siblings with the same unlucky genes. Oddly enough, none of their parents are vaulted, only one bearded and one mixed...
  7. Jikaaa

    Vaulted Silkie Chick walking backwards

    I returned to one of my vaulted chicks flipped upside down in the pen earlier, our caretaker believes that she was attacked by our rooster. She's still very much alive and flailing but keeps crouching backwards with her whole body pointing up when she does so which in turn makes her flip upside...
  8. Jikaaa

    Cockerel following Rooster around

    We have a wide farm where we keep non-heritage chickens free-range, they've already established their teams and hierarchies as far as I've observed. I released two imperfect Silkie cockerels into the farm, one of them became a lone chicken eating with the waterfowl. The other one found a flock...
  9. Jikaaa

    Bumps and scabs on young turkeys face. Pics below.

    would you recommend giving them any supplements? like electrolytes or anything? mine are kind of starting to look weak :((
  10. Jikaaa

    Concerning Loss of Appetite in Chick

    I haven't started giving them grit but yeah there's small rocks in the garden as for the plants. we have water spinach (they love to bully) rampant on the ground, eggplants, cherry tomato, curly kale, lettuce, pumpkins, and a calamansi tree I dont think they're toxic lol I already bought a...
  11. Jikaaa

    Concerning Loss of Appetite in Chick

    FOLLOWING INFO 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) - Silkie Mix, 7 weeks old, Used to be the heaviest by a little 2) What is the behavior, exactly. - Loss of appetite, Less activity 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting...
  12. Jikaaa

    Need advice from experienced Turkey parents

    it sucked but it served as a lesson for me, i went from 0% hatchability to 90% 🥳
  13. Jikaaa

    Need advice from experienced Turkey parents

    sadly, it died in the shell. when I opened it after 3 days it had already internally pipped but seemed to have died of carbon dioxide poisoning. midway of the incubation I came across a video that preached assisted hatching (aka safetly hole) but I wanted the egg to hatch as naturally as it...
  14. Jikaaa

    I have a bone to pick with all you incubating ppl...

    lockdowns are like three consecutive all-nighters on exam season lmao
  15. Jikaaa

    How long can I wait before putting them in the incubator

    eggs can last viable for up to three weeks, but hatchability decreases as time passes or as the eggs age
  16. Jikaaa

    Need advice from experienced Turkey parents

    I'm on day 26 with my Turkey egg, incubating it myself because my uncle gave it to me as it's mum didn't want it. I candled it yesterday(day25) without moving it and saw a lot of movement, I let it sit expecting it to pip by today at least internally but it didn't. No peeping too, just an awful...
  17. Jikaaa

    Failure to Pip Internally

    I have a brooding Silkie at the moment and her eggs are only at week 1. Can I put my 3 week Turkey eggs and 2 weeks chicken eggs under her?
  18. Jikaaa

    Failure to Pip Internally

    yep they were at 60-65% humidity the whole time during lockdown
  19. Jikaaa

    Failure to Pip Internally

    rainy season
  20. Jikaaa

    Failure to Pip Internally

    I was incubating three eggs up until last week in a DIY Styrofoam Incubator, they were turned 7 times a day and kept between 37°C-38°C and 35% humidity. They all made it to lockdown and were very active when I last candled them but somehow after 5 days none of them hatched, I candled without...
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