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  1. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    Amy Winehouse, my cream legbar, laid her first egg today! 22 weeks exactly. Weirdly she has zero wattles and a small/not very red comb. Runty, the black copper Marans/legbar cross behind her started laying one week ago and was supposed to lay olive eggs. Surprise! They’re blue (just like...
  2. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    Congratulations! My blue copper Marans laid her first egg at 16 weeks five days! I was shocked as well! She ended up laying another egg two days later, but hasn’t laid one since (5 or 6 days now). Both of her first eggs were a mess (soft shelled, laid from roosting bar, cracked, small) so I’m...
  3. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    A squat is where they put their wings out a little from their body and crouch or squat down. They also sometimes stomp their feet as they assume the position. It’s fairly distinctive now that I’ve seen it. One of my girls simply let me pet her before - now she is squatting and it’s a fairly...
  4. WakaFlockaChickens

    Post Your First Egg Pics-Part 2

    Smart! I may have to do that! Thanks for the idea!
  5. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    I’ve considered adding a camera to the coop but I find that I get obsessive over this stuff and don’t know if a camera will make that better or worse for me 😂 all of mine should lay different colors except for two, but those two are developing at a very different rate so I think it will be clear...
  6. WakaFlockaChickens

    Post Your First Egg Pics-Part 2

    My flock is on grower/all flock and has oyster shell available free choice. I haven’t seen her eat much of the oyster shell yet but I want to give her a chance before I switch to layer. I like the concept of a higher protein level feed and let them get their calcium on their own instead of using...
  7. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    I don’t have them on layer feed - they’re on grower/all flock and have free choice oyster shell. If the soft shells persist I will probably switch them to layer since I don’t have a roo. They also “free range” in our backyard - but we live in the city so it isn’t exactly an enormous space! Hence...
  8. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    I found her first egg this morning! She laid it while on the roost bar and it is a soft shelled egg, but first egg none the less! Woo!
  9. WakaFlockaChickens

    Post Your First Egg Pics-Part 2

    I have been cracking up over this anxiously awaited first egg 🤣 All signs point to it being from my Blue Copper Marans. She laid it on the roost bar and it’s obviously soft shelled, so she’s got some work to do but I’m proud of her ridiculous first egg nonetheless!
  10. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    Good job, girls!!! I love that dresser nest box, too!
  11. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    Interestingly, I thought my white girl was squatting until today when my Gray Marans squatted for me! This is my first time with chickens so I had never actually seen a true squat, and now that she’s done it I realized I was mistaken about my white bird. I’m pretty shocked she’s getting ready as...
  12. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    Seattle is definitely a backyard chicken city! I can hear two additional flocks when I stand in my backyard. “Oh! Sounds like the neighbor has a new egg!” Haha! I know that my girls aren’t quite there, but I was really curious to see photos of pullets that have just started to lay because I...
  13. WakaFlockaChickens

    POL- signs it’s close?

    Thank you! She’s a blue copper maran. She’s also beginning to turn red and behaving like she is going to lay soon. Lots of checking out the nesting boxes and vocal as all get out! She’s not nearly as red and swollen as Twitch is, though. Here she is from Saturday - 16 weeks and a day old.
  14. WakaFlockaChickens

    POL- signs it’s close?

    My girls haven’t started laying yet, but I thought I’d share some progress pictures of comb/wattles on my sexlink, Twitch (red and white feathers), in case you find it helpful. It’s a pretty big change to her appearance. I’m hopeful I will get eggs in the next couple weeks. 🤞 June 20: July 6...
  15. WakaFlockaChickens

    What did your pullet look like when she laid her first egg?

    I’m super curious to know what your pullets looked like when they finally gave you their first eggs. If you have photos, share them here! And include how old she was if you have that info, too! I thought it would be cool to see the variety of development among pullets when they come into lay...
  16. WakaFlockaChickens

    Pullet or cockerel - 6 weeks old tomorrow.

    Given that all my chickens will be 16 weeks old tomorrow, I can confidently say that they are all pullets! Photos attached for anyone who is curious to see how they’ve changed. No eggs yet, but I’m hopeful one of them may start laying soon. She’s gotten very red over the last week or two and...
  17. WakaFlockaChickens

    Supposed sexlink chick - Do we believe them?!

    You’re all correct - pullet! I don’t have any eggs yet for that ultra confirmation, but Twitch appears to be turning pretty darn red now so I’m hopeful for eggs soon! She will be 16 weeks tomorrow. 👍
  18. WakaFlockaChickens

    Pullet or cockerel - 6 weeks old tomorrow.

    Thanks for the comment about the possibility of a Starlight Green Egger! I love researching new to me breeds/mixes. She sure does look like the photos of those! The hatchery says she is a Welsummer and White Plymouth Rock mix, supposedly sexlink, and they call it a “Chocolate Star.” Like you...
  19. WakaFlockaChickens

    Supposed sexlink chick - Do we believe them?!

    Ready for an update?! Twitch is almost ten weeks old now. I am still getting rooster vibes but the votes keep coming in for pullet. I’m clearly not convinced! 😅
  20. WakaFlockaChickens

    Pullet or cockerel - 6 weeks old tomorrow.

    I can’t believe these girls will be ten weeks old in two days and I still don’t know if I am going to end up with a roo in the bunch! Here is Twitch (my most suspected cockerel from day one, red and white “sexlink”): Look at that burly chest! Are those pointy feathers on that neck? Here is...
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