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    Tips on keeping duck enclosures clean?

    Any chance you can post a picture of your coop? We are struggling
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    !! (please) HELP !! 3 wk duckling health declining !!!!!!

    I’m sorry, she is out of pain, big hug I know it hurts bad.
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    !! (please) HELP !! 3 wk duckling health declining !!!!!!

    Doesn’t look well. Any vet closeby?
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    Please help - Duck Husbandry advice

    I would change all water daily and clean coop daily. Breathing poop can’t be good for them, also is the drake over mating the females? I am terrible sorry for you.
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    !! (please) HELP !! 3 wk duckling health declining !!!!!!

    How the duck doing?
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    what breed is this?

    i Will today - they all quak but like when we hold them to bring in at night ( we have them sleep in a living room in a big stock tank with the chicks) or at night they like to eat and talk. But during the day not so much.
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    what breed is this?

    5-6 weeks old cant tell never had ducks. but def all baby chicks follow her/him. BTW i LOVE this forum.
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    what breed is this?

    we have two peking ducks and the three ducks actually raised 6 chicks also (got them all from tractor supply) the chicks think they are ducks kinda cute. they are like one unit and the other chickens we have are another. Do you think its a female? Def not lonley. Unless the rouen needs another...
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    what breed is this?

    at tractor supply. I have no idea what she or he is.
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    what breed is this?

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    Should I put a heater in my duck house?

    I’m thinking about getting this, do you have any thoughts on it?
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    Sexing Ducklings (Please check here first :D )

    Did you ever find out what they were?
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    Male or female any guess?

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    Male or female any guess?

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    NAC for chickens

    we basically lost 4 chicks ill from vaccine and5 chickens from marek's, I feel like we need to try more these babies dying hurts me so much.
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    NAC for chickens

    yes for sure but it can also help. I for one took it when i had breathing problems with covid, I really think it might help with respiratory on chickens at a low dose. But I would only really try on a close to dying chicken. Might as well try, or euthanize.
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    NAC for chickens anyone tried it? I am curious if this helps their immune system. thanks teresa
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    Me too, thought of them thrown in trash is why, we buried them in our blueberry beds. Poor tiny things. thank you for your kind response. My whole family has been crying for days. They are in heaven now and now my forever flock.
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    all four passed at various days times. It was horrible, truly. I hope we did not prolong their suffering, life can be so hard.
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