Sexing Ducklings (Please check here first :D )

Okay - so, when voice sexing, is it a smooth transition from "peep" to "quack"/"rasp"? Or can they kind of blend together at first?

One of my 3 week old mallards makes a funny little quack noise at the end of her peeps, sort of like "PEEP-ACK" - is this a sign she's a girl?
I have Black Cayuga ducks, and I believe that when they get to be about 4-6 weeks you can tell the girls by the Peep/Quack sound, I have never gotten any sort of Quack sound from the boys. Also, I had just paid an extra fee from the feed mill where I got my ducks from, for (sexed ducks) to ensure that I got females... they are now 5 weeks old, I have
1 quacker and 2 peepers. so much for the experts!
I still can't get this figured out. Both of my ducks make different noises and the noises go from like a raspy honkish sound to a loud quack! Maybe I can get a video clip on here.

Mine sound like this as well. 1 is definitely still peeping and ONLY peeping, the other 2 are doing peeps, honks, raspy quacks, and some VERY loud clear quacks. My parents came over today and as soon as she walked in the house 1 of them quacked VERY loud, and my mom thought my husband was using a duck call because it was so loud. (They're 5 week old mallards.) I'm assuming based on their sounds and in comparison that I have 2 females and 1 male, since only 1 is definitely only peeping.
My ducklings are 12/13 days old today and Egg 1 and 2, as I'm still calling them, have just started making a noise similar to the whoopie cushion sounds in this video:

I thought it was one of my dog's toys at first, then I thought maybe one of them had a cold etc, because I could hear that sound coming from the box I'm keeping them in, during the night on day 11. But I had them all sitting on my bed in a bunch today, and Egg 1 and 2, when I played this video, started making the same noise I heard in the night back when they heard the noise in the video. Then I filmed them as I do every day, and uploaded it and played it back to see if it had uploaded correctly, and when they heard the noise in the video, they started repeating the noise back to themselves in the video.

The noise they make isn't exactly the same, it's a shorter version of it, but it's the beginnings of it, and not a noise I've heard them make before. Egg 3 is still making only the peeping sound.

Egg 3 is slightly bigger than the other two, despite being born a day later, and has a larger pink beak now, which has got progressively pinker, after starting out darker, whereas the others have smaller black beaks, (I'm not sure if this is a factor) but I'm hoping 1 and 2 are girls and 3 is a boy.

I guess only time will tell, but it's exciting watching these tiny changes and waiting to find out.
I have five Ancona ducklings, about six weeks old now. The bigger ones I think are all male but I'm really not sure. Does green in the black feathers indicate it's a male duck? None of them are really quacking yet.

I have five Ancona ducklings, about six weeks old now. The bigger ones I think are all male but I'm really not sure. Does green in the black feathers indicate it's a male duck? None of them are really quacking yet.

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They're beautiful! The crested is really cute.

Do any have a raspy chirp or are mostly quiet? I've raised Runner, khaki Campbell's and mixed of the 2, females were very talkative and tended to be louder. Whereas, males had a more raspier chirp and were quieter. Also as any drakes get older, between 8-12 weeks (sometimes up to 20 weeks) they tend to get a tail feather curling upward. Had a khaki Campbell drake get his curl tail at 7 months, he's 6 years old. Hopefully at least 4 are females unlike my hatches last year. ⤵️

Last year I ended up with 12 drakes hatching between a Runner sitting 19 (some were from 2 abandoned nests) but only 8 survived in the end, a chicken hen sitting 2, and incubating 10 but lost 3 in shell. Oh and I ended up with a mystery chick that hatched before the ducklings did, didn't know hen laid her egg in duck's nest. She's my wild child so her name is Mustang but she's beautiful.
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OK friends, my kids are 10 weeks and I cannot figure this out! If I do a video for yall to help me out, shpuld I get them all separated and do one at a time? They all seem to make different noises all the time 🤣🤣🤣

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