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  1. H

    Magpies swooping and attacking chickens.

    yes I think we may have to cover the run in netting to try prevent it.
  2. H

    Unsure of roosters age.

    No we don't have any other roosters. He also doesn't mate with the hens. which is a problem for us as we were planing on hatching out eggs.
  3. H

    Unsure of roosters age.

    Yep here are some photos
  4. H

    Unsure of roosters age.

    Just brought a new rooster and hens but unsure of the age of the rooster as he won't crow or try to mate the hens. He looks fully grown and is much larger than the hens. Is there a way of telling the age?
  5. H

    Magpies swooping and attacking chickens.

    No I don’t think it’s that as they only nest in the spring and summer months in Australia and we’re currently in the middle of winter.
  6. H

    Magpies swooping and attacking chickens.

    yeah thanks for the reply might give the strings a go.
  7. H

    Magpies swooping and attacking chickens.

    Hello, we have had much trouble with magpies swooping and attacking our chickens it's now gotten to the point where they won't even come out of the coop. any ideas on how to stop them?
  8. H

    Rooster not mating

    5 of the hens aren’t from the same place the other 4 are. There about a year old
  9. H

    Rooster not mating

    Hey everyone. Just brought some new chooks and a new rooster I got him to breed. How long should I expect to wait before he starts to mate with the hens?
  10. H

    Scaly leg mites?

    Yep thanks heaps for all the help. I will treat the chicken today and see how it goes.
  11. H

    Scaly leg mites?

    Yep thanks heaps. I put the infected chickens legs in some warm water which helped to soften the dead skin. I picked off quite a large chunk but there didn't seam to be any skin underneath and a small amount of blood came from the area. I stopped after that. Is it normal?
  12. H

    Leg mites?

    Hello, we just recently brought some Austrolorp chickens. And I think one might have scaly leg mites I have isolated it. Just checking it actually is scaly leg mites as we haven’t had it before.
  13. H

    Scaly leg mites?

    Thanks for the reply. Whats the best way to treat?
  14. H

    Scaly leg mites?

    Just brought some new chooks and I think one may have mites. Just to be assured thought I would post something on here.
  15. H

    Late hatching.

    Thanks for your help. I'm going to give it 24 hours then I will assist.
  16. H

    Late hatching.

    yes, thanks for your help. I've put some small holes in the eggs and I've started seeing a lot more movement.
  17. H

    Late hatching.

    yes, they have internally pipped about 24 hours ago.
  18. H

    Late hatching.

    Day 31 still no external pips. When should I assist?
  19. H

    Late hatching.

    Ok thanks
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