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  1. K

    What breed is this guy?

    We definitely plan on keeping him, he is a very sweet gentleman now.
  2. K

    Rooster is out of control.

    Thanks Mary! They cut his spurs before, so I think that helped. We are letting them grow now, since he has been a good boy and deserves some tools to help defend, if need be.
  3. K

    Rooster is out of control.

    Thank you! If I saw him being aggressive with the girls, I’d stick him back in the large dog crate with the girls in the run, so they were still being (safely) socialized. Or I would pick him up and carry him around with me for a while. I think the crowing calmed down once he realized he was the...
  4. K

    What breed is this guy?

    Thank you! Any ideas on what those might be?
  5. K

    Rooster is out of control.

    Update if anyone cares: we hung in there and are glad we did. He is a VERY sweet boy now. Loves his girls, although he has favorites. Finds them snacks constantly, doesn’t leave their side, fixes nesting boxes for them, watchful for cats an hawks, makes sure they all get in the coop at night...
  6. K

    What breed is this guy?

    He’s fairly large, a hair bigger than my 5 month old Brahma, who is towering over the rest of my girls. Picked him up from an older couple who had taken their son’s chickens after he got bored with them, they didn’t really know anything about him. This picture does not do him justice, he’s a...
  7. K

    Rooster is out of control.

    Thanks for the tip!
  8. K

    Rooster is out of control.

    It’s the producer’s pride defender. I’ve attached some pics and dimensions from a website, the only difference is I’ve tarped the roof and added some perches in the run. They free range from about 6-7am to 7-9pm depending on when they choose to come in, but have access to it. Location is near...
  9. K

    Rooster is out of control.

    Quick back story: I’ve got 6 fairly large pullets (13 weeks) and a newly added rooster (adult, not sure on age), and soon will be adding a hen (she’s about 2). We have a lot of cats and hawks, so I’ve had suggestions to get a Roo, hence why he’s here. I do not mind a crow now and again, and I...
  10. K

    How do chickens make their own dust baths?

    That’s really interesting. Mine chose a spot along a tree line, half way under a bush. It’s fairly secluded give. That it’s behind the run/coop on th other side of the trees, and also has some additional trees/shrubs around it. But it’s hot here, so they may be hiding from the sun currently.
  11. K

    How do chickens make their own dust baths?

    Yeah they definitely are entertaining, that’s for sure. Thanks for the advice!
  12. K

    How do chickens make their own dust baths?

    That’s a good idea, may have to make one in a tire under a roof somewhere. We are hopefully adding some goats that are accustomed to chickens, hoping I can add that in the lean to. Thank you! I’ve done enough research to make my head spin, and it has definitely paid off.
  13. K

    How do chickens make their own dust baths?

    That’sa great idea! It’s been 90° and rain here, so maybe they’ve found their own damp areas. I’m loving the low maintenance so far lol.
  14. K

    How do chickens make their own dust baths?

    I hadn’t gotten around to making one yet, but after closer inspection and walking the tree line behind their run, I realized they made their own! Good job chickens! I tried googling and looking on here out of sheer curiosity, but couldn’t find anything on HOW chickens make their own bath. Maybe...
  15. K

    12 week old chicken likes to disappear at night.

    Hmmm that’s odd lol. We’ve just been trying to lock all the girls up a few hours early, which seems to help. She hasn’t gotten the chance to take off again.
  16. K

    12 week old chicken likes to disappear at night.

    I wish. She’s got the perfect camouflage to blend in at night, despite us running around for hours with flashlights brighter than the dang sun lol.
  17. K

    12 week old chicken likes to disappear at night.

    I should have named her Houdini. For some unknown reason, I have a single chicken who, for the last week, likes to wander off by herself at dusk and hides out all night... Will not respond to calling, shaking the treat bag, etc. which normally results in a chicken stampede. My other 5 girls...
  18. K

    New member questions

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m new to chickens, started in April. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 (3) What breeds do you have? Brahma, Australorp, Silver-laced Wyandotte, and Barred Rock. (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard...
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