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  1. B

    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    This will unfortunately be the last update I’ll make about the orpington. I just found her out in the chicken run dead. She wasn’t attacked by anything, there wasn’t any injuries or bite wounds or feathers tossed around. She was lying on her side with her head tossed back and legs held behind...
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    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    She has gotten a lot better! About 3 to 4 days ago she started eating and drinking on her own and her injuries are healing nicely. And whatever was making her have trouble breathing seemed to go away on its own, by the time I got the amoxicillin in the mail she was fine. While we were working to...
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    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    Unfortunately vet care is not something we can do. Our vet is from out of town and only comes by one day a week. I looked for avian vets near me on google but I found nothing. How would cleaning her nostrils work? I’d assume you wouldn’t go all that deep into it with the qtip? Also does that...
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    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    I have another update and it’s a bit of a mixed one I believe. Later on in the day I’ve noticed she’s started to make a slight whistling sound as she breathes. I checked again for air pockets under the skin and I didn’t feel anything like that. Although I did accidentally startle her and when...
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    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    The eye appears to be getting better as well. She’s opening it more often, I suppose it might’ve just been swollen. I can’t quite tell how the eye itself looks, I’m gonna see if I can get a flashlight to get a look and check it out. Her wounds seem to be doing okay. I think I should probably try...
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    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    The breathing is quite a bit better now although she does still sometimes have to take in a breath through her mouth. I watched her for a bit and noticed two things. One is that while she doesn’t seem to want to extend her neck all the way, and the second is that whenever she tries to move her...
  7. B

    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    I’ve heard of chickens asphyxiating after syringe feeding and I’m worried she’ll do the same. It seems our only option is syringe feeding, as I don’t think we have anything we can tube feed her with. Is there a safe way to syringe feed, and if so how? She had breathing problems already although...
  8. B

    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    She isn’t eating or drinking by herself from what I’ve seen, but my dad said he thought he may have seen her eating last night. We set up a camera so we can see if she’s getting nutrients in when she’s alone. I took a spoonful of honey water and had it drip down the tip of her beak. I’m not sure...
  9. B

    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    I went up to the store to get honey and some antibacterial ointment. I got neosporin and an off brand. Neither say anything about pain relief so I think they might be safe but just in case, I took pictures of the ingredients. Does this all look safe or is there an ingredient in there that will...
  10. B

    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    Another update. I got her to drink some water. And a few minutes ago she had a yellow liquid poop that stunk really bad. Is that a sign of infection, and if so is there something I can do about it? Here’s a picture of what it looked like if that’ll help.
  11. B

    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    I have bad news. We thought the raccoon was dead, but it must’ve come back in the night to pick off the other orpington. The injured hen is the only orpington left, and putting her in with the other flock isn’t an option because the Rhode Island reds attack any hen that isn’t one of them. My dad...
  12. B

    Raccoon attacked my chickens, need advice.

    I have just discovered a terrible attack a few minutes ago. A raccoon somehow got into the coop late at night and fought my youngest rooster, Teddy, to the death. Sadly he was killed, but he saved the lives of both of his hens. One seemed perfectly fine and healthy, if not understandably scared...
  13. B

    What to do about future broody hens?

    So last year we had one egg hatch under a broody hen while she was still in the coop with the other hens. For about a week it was fine and the mom took care of that chick, but the other hens kept bothering her and her baby. Eventually I believe she became stressed and began to peck at the chick...
  14. B

    Any coop advice

    My dad says he’ll take a look at it later on to see if repairing it is possible. It’ll probably be on a warmer day since he has trouble moving when it’s cold.
  15. B

    Any coop advice

    I’m somewhere in the middle of Missouri. The summers are hot and while it doesn’t snow every winter, when it does it often times snows hard, and even without it the weather gets cold enough to freeze water. I talked to my dad about the measurements and he claims the small coop is bigger than...
  16. B

    Any coop advice

    I’m not sure if this is the right place, I apologize if it’s not. Recently I’ve been thinking of upgrading both of my chicken coops as the bigger one is beginning to wear down and the smaller one may be too small for the flock that resides in it. It’s nighttime as I’m writing this but I’ll get...
  17. B

    Growing rooster cockerel and changes in flock temperament?

    So about a month or so ago I was able to put my rooster cockerel outside with our two orpington hens, and up until now it was fine. But today I noticed a few things. One was that the cockerel was a bit less timid, in fact he tried to intimidate me for the first time. The second was that he had...
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    Hen spit up liquid

    I felt all the chickens crops this morning and they were all empty. I’ve been watching them for a few days and there have been no more spit up incidents, nor do any of the hens seem lethargic or uncomfortable. I’ve given them two more water containers so hopefully that’ll help reduce competition...
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    Hen spit up liquid

    We have 6 hens and a rooster. I think it would be best to give them at least a couple so they have a choice, especially if they were competing. I’ll go find a temporary container that I can clean out for it. I may actually have more than one I can give them. As for the hens, it looks like all...
  20. B

    Hen spit up liquid

    A bit of an update. I went out to check on the hens again and one of the Rhode Island reds had a pretty full crop, squishy not hard. Although I don’t know if that’s because of sour crop or if it’s because she just got done drinking a ton of water. I tried to open her beak but she ran off a...
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