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  1. dialuann

    Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk.

    Hi! Thank you for your response! We did not buy her, she was hatched off here on 6 August 2023, making her five months old! She is a Turken-Silkie-Showgirl! Since about this week, she has had a baby chick chirp still! So cute. Her mom took care of her well until she was two or three months, I...
  2. dialuann

    Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk.

    This is about my hen, whom I posted an older thread about: Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk. She tries to pull herself upward to stand, and is successful in that...
  3. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Yes! All Silkies do! It is strange quality they have.
  4. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Yes! She is in a sling now! She started to get pressure sores, so how long should she stay in the sling? We hand feed her and give her water, and still give her eggs and vitamins.
  5. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Here’s some updates on her! She is not getting worse, which is a good thing! There are tiny improvements, so I think maybe the vitamins are working (Poultry Cell Vitamins). Her wings are not paralysed and her legs aren’t either. She walks around on her hocks and mostly backwards. To-day I was...
  6. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    She tried standing recently, and it was a little success!! She was able to balance herself on her feet for a few seconds. Although for a short time and not fully off of the ground, it was the first time she has really tried something like that since she couldn’t walk! She seems to be doing some...
  7. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    I will! To-day, her walking/sitting seems somewhat better. She is still wobbling around and balancing through her wings, but the way she sits is different—in a good way. She seems more upright than laying on her side through her balanced wings. She’s getting around better, but, like I said, the...
  8. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Here’s a video of her trying to walk to-day. It hasn’t gotten any better. :/ She keeps using her wings as balance.
  9. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Here’s the picture of her left eye!
  10. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Yes, it looks like that! We have chick starter grower. Do we use that?
  11. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Hi! She is four months old, being born in August. She still has a baby chick chirp. We feed them 6 Grain Poultry Scratch feed. We plan to give her eggs to-day. We will get some vitamins. Thank you! I will look into a sling for her. I think that will be helpful!
  12. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Hi! My hen/rooster (I am unsure of the gender since she is only four months old, but it may be a hen), who is a Silkie-Turken-Showgirl, has been acting rather strange. When I opened up the chickens, I found her laying down in the middle of the coop. She usually sleeps on a roost with another...
  13. dialuann

    Day old baby chick might have a broken leg?

    Edit (29 October 2023): The baby chick is doing much better! He can walk now, and is chirping at a normal rate! I think his leg has completely healed. I don’t know exactly what caused it, but it could have been the broody hen!
  14. dialuann

    I need help with my baby chick. Please answer.

    I know this is super late, but unfortunately, he died during the night on 12 May 2023. :( He was a very sweet and adventurous baby chick that didn’t deserve his early death. We don’t know what it was, but we are starting to think it could have been the mom’s fault for hurting him because she is...
  15. dialuann

    Day old baby chick might have a broken leg?

    Did your chicken survive/get better?
  16. dialuann

    Day old baby chick might have a broken leg?

    I have photos! I’ll add them now. The almost fur-covered foot is the one that is dangling (and the one that is circled red in the last photo). It feels like there is no joint holding it together. I really hope he isn’t in pain, but he cried more than the other baby chick.
  17. dialuann

    Day old baby chick might have a broken leg?

    Hi! Just yesterday, our hen hatched off two baby chicks—one full-Silkie and one Silkie/Turken/Showgirl. The next day, and after we put them in their baby coop, the Showgirl baby chick was having a hard time walking. Of course, since the babies are hatchlings, this is very much expected, but at...
  18. dialuann

    I need help with my baby chick. Please answer.

    I have not checked for internal vent blockage, but I have ordered him vitamins!
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