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    Hen seems dizzy/off balance/can't hardly stand

    I have a hen with these same symptoms. Did you ever figure it out? I don’t have a single vet near me that is willing to see chickens.
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    Odd bulge on eggs?

    I have a RIR hen that is about 2 years old and has laid eggs with the same issue for about a week and a half. They all have this odd, small bulge that is very weak and easily cracks compared to the rest of the shell. The spot is always about the same size on each egg. I tried researching on my...
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    Nurture Right 360 temp fluctuating

    That’s great to hear! I’m glad you had success. I candled today and everything looks good, so I’m hopeful all will be fine.
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    Nurture Right 360 temp fluctuating

    Just stumbled upon this thread since I’m having the same issue with the nr360. My averages are good, and temp never falls below 99.5, so I try not to be overly worried. There’s definitely hot and cold spots, though. I’ve identified that the cold is at the back, left side. Any time the Govee...
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    Unknown breed, unknown genders?

    Yeah, I knew it was only males, but when I saw no head spots I figured I couldn’t have gotten so lucky as to not have any males out of the 4. I’m used to hatching more roos than hens lately. 😂 So, I assumed they weren’t BSLs after seeing no spots. They did come from XL brown eggs, and that’s...
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    Unknown breed, unknown genders?

    I was thinking some sort of mixes. I didn’t see anything identifying them as anything in particular, but I’m also definitely not an expert. All my RIR chicks that hatched with them are easy to tell cockerel vs pullet, but these guys have proven more difficult! I’ll wait and see. Thank you for...
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    Unknown breed, unknown genders?

    Hello! A customer on my husband’s route gave him a dozen eggs as a thank you, and I happened to be putting some RIR eggs in our incubator that same day. So, in our empty slots, we popped 4 of the eggs he was given in there with them just to see if they were fertile. They all hatched! We don’t...
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    Pullet or Roo easter egger mixes?

    Interesting! I bought these eggs from a lady who has a huge mixed flock, but she said they’d all be Easter egger mixes of some sort. She said all her roosters are Americauna, but she has hens of all different kinds. I didn’t care much what they were, this was just my first year hatching chicken...
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    Pullet or Roo easter egger mixes?

    Aw, bummer. That’s what I feared. I somehow ended up with 75% Roos out of this group of eggs, just my luck. They’re so sweet right now, too! :barnie
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    Pullet or Roo easter egger mixes?

    Hi all! I’m usually pretty solid at sexing chicks by this age, but this is my first year ever hatching out Easter egger mixes, and I’m completely unsure about 2 in particular. They are about to turn 9 weeks old this Sunday. Each has characteristics that have me wondering. For example, these two...
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    What does Tibetan x Jumbo Brown give you?

    Thanks so much! I just saw the chart, that’s super helpful.
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    What does Tibetan x Jumbo Brown give you?

    Another question if you don’t mind. If I happen to breed a Rosetta with a Jumbo brown in the future, what might that lead to?
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    What does Tibetan x Jumbo Brown give you?

    Hey, thanks! After briefly looking at color types online, I wondered if that would be it. I appreciate the response.
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    What does Tibetan x Jumbo Brown give you?

    Thanks for the reply! I suppose time will tell for sure. :)
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    What does Tibetan x Jumbo Brown give you?

    We have kept jumbo coturnix quail mostly for eggs and we usually cull all males we hatch for meat. This year, we ended up with a random Tibetan hatched out of some eggs we purchased that were supposed to all be jumbo browns. Since we couldn’t initially tell he was a male, he didn’t get culled...
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    Hens won't eat oyster shell

    Gosh, I know this is a couple years old, but I’m having a similar issue and I was hoping someone would come back and update. I have one RIR hen who consistently laid last year, but ever since coming out of winter, she has only laid malformed or soft shelled eggs. I do have to feed a mixed...
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    Only shipped eggs stopped developing?

    I can see the temp has stayed between 99.3-100.6, with the exception of when I opened to candle and the temp briefly dropped to 98.6. The over all average is 100 even. Rh has dipped a couple times into the 30’s overnight, but from my understanding, that’s common and not a major problem...
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    Only shipped eggs stopped developing?

    Hmm. I’m not sure, I’m not the most tech savvy and never done anything like that with it before.
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    Only shipped eggs stopped developing?

    Great idea! I was hoping to gain a couple breeds I’ve been wanting by buying the eggs this time around, but I think I’ll take a break from shipped eggs for now. If I get more in the future, I will definitely be doing it this way.
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    Only shipped eggs stopped developing?

    I appreciate the help! This is the extent of my experience with shipped eggs so far, and for whatever reason, I had the idea that if they had gone through too much, they just simply wouldn’t develop at all.
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