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  1. Brabra

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    hi @Shadrach probably not the best plact to ask this but I have a chicken with either a sore or maybe bumble foot.....could i use the hoof tar on the bumble foot or should i do surgery first? In your experience. Thank you so much I love your very thorough knowledge of chickens
  2. Brabra

    Combs and hot AND cold breeds

    My girls pant like crazy My girls pant like crazy but not the rir or barred rocks
  3. Brabra

    Combs and hot AND cold breeds

    Thank you for sharing
  4. Brabra

    Combs and hot AND cold breeds

    I don’t I was just trying to have more choices of breeds, but if even orpingtons get frostbite I’ll probably just avoid single combs completely
  5. Brabra

    Combs and hot AND cold breeds

    Thank you for sharing
  6. Brabra

    Combs and hot AND cold breeds

    Thank you Thank you for sharing
  7. Brabra

    Combs and hot AND cold breeds

    After a very brutal cold streak with some frostbite on my 2 roosters. Which breeds of chickens have small single comb. I was just looking at anyone with a small comb for the future but saw that orpingtons which are cold hardy have single combs but are smaller, has anyone had an Orpington...
  8. Brabra

    Hand turning

    Thank you so much for your thoughts and so true about the last thing you said lol
  9. Brabra

    Hand turning

    I got a really cheap incubator from Amazon based on someone’s success using it. It does not have an autoturning function. I was wondering instead of turning each individual egg if I could tilt the entire incubator from side to side. I read that 45 degrees is best and you do a 90 degree turn each...
  10. Brabra

    Molting question

    Sorry 7-6 month old pullets, 5- over 1 year hens, 6- 10 weeks old pullets 2- 6 month old cockerels That should be a total of 20 live bodies….but I really am bad at math 🫣🙄😬😵‍💫🥴😹😹😹
  11. Brabra

    Molting question

    Yes the 2 cockerels are 6 months and I have 12 girls. Only 4 are over a year old so I assume the only ones to go through a molt. And then I have 6 more girls but they are only 10 weeks. Only one girl seems to have any mating damage. So I just put a saddle on her, but good to know when they start...
  12. Brabra

    Molting question

    I have poulets that are laying and cockerels of the same age. Then I have a few girls that are over a year old. I was concerned will the cockerels still try to mate with the older girls when they start molting? I’m afraid for their backs 😥
  13. Brabra

    Guinea Colors - Breeding

    Ooops thank you
  14. Brabra

    Guinea Colors - Breeding

    Hi! Sorry to ask on an old thread I was just curious what Guinea to breed to not get pearled? I was to get solid colored Guinea and would like them to continue to breed solid. Is that possible? Thank you 🤗
  15. Brabra

    Age to breed

    Thank you!
  16. Brabra

    Age to breed

    Thank you! Can you see a double yolker when candling?
  17. Brabra

    Age to breed

    Thank you!
  18. Brabra

    Age to breed

    At what age are roosters ready to breed new baby chicks and same questions for pullets. I assume for pullets you should at least wait until their eggs are adult sized? Anything else I should be aware of for picking fertilized eggs to hatch?
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