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  1. C

    Roo' Behavor

    Great input! Luckily the youngest child is 15; I'd be a lot more "Father Bear" if the grandkids were over or the children were younger. They absolutely have started crowing contests! My 3 Orpington Boys all crow & talk to the roo's next door & across the way. We find it hilarious. It does get...
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    Roo' Behavor

    Thanks for the input folks. My standing up is absolutely me exerting aggressive behavior. I'm making my dominance very clear & infighting I see I usually met with me pushing the aggressor into the ground & holding him there until he gives up. So we don't have much except at bedtime when the...
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    Roo' Behavor

    Y'all have gotten me a bit paranoid with the stories of rooster behavior on here. :lol: My Orpintons are now 17 weeks old & my Wyandottes are 13 weeks. I have 8 boys free ranging in the yard & have no real issues with them. They come running over when I come out, one Orpington will walk with...
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    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    I like the fact that it looks very functional, appears to have great mobility, & that they stand behind the product with a 25-year warranty.
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    Introducing Wyandottes to Orpingtons

    Yeah, I wish I had that luxury. Because ideally, that's what I'd be doing. I have had the Wyandottes out next to the Orpington run a couple of times but, that was the best I could do.
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    Introducing Wyandottes to Orpingtons

    Howdy folks, It's been a while but, my Orpingtons have been outside for several weeks now & loving the coop space. It took a while for them to go outside the coop but, now they wander in & out as they please. Currently, I have 3 ladies & three gents all about 11 weeks old. I plan to move two of...
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    I've Been Chicken Mathed!!!!

    Well, it happened. Our Orpingtons are just about ready to start living outside (we ended up with three roos in the bunch including the derpy scissor beaked bird but, that's another story). But, we stopped into Tractor Supply & they were trying to get rid of chicks so they didn't have to come in...
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    Defective Chicken

    Thanks for the input. I can put my wife's mind more at ease. ;)
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    Defective Chicken

    What sort of care are we talking about?
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    Defective Chicken

    While visiting with the chicks today, I notice one of them is defective. 😏 By that I mean its beak does not line up. Rather than the tips lining up like its siblings, this one is off to the side a bit like crossed fingers. It does not seem to affect its ability to eat or drink although it is...
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    Just a Little Update

    LOL Mockingbirds definitely have an attitude. They are just "Come at me bro!!". I'm not sure if our cats are just watching or plotting murder but, I'm not going to find out either. I do think the dog finally figured out the chicks are friends & not snacks in an extra large bowl.
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    Just a Little Update

    Howdy Folks, Well, I figured I'd share a bit of progress with y'all on my endeavor into chicken raising. My (our) babies turned three weeks on Sunday & are starting to flap around the brooder. My wife & girls like to visit them daily & let them peck & crawl on their hands. One, in particular, is...
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    Old Dominion Member Here

    Thanks for the warm welcomes folks! I'm looking forward to learning a lot here.
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    Old Dominion Member Here

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - I grew up with my grandparents have Rhode Island Reds & gathering eggs or dispatching chickens was very normal to me. (my brother & I used to chase each other around with chicken feet pulling the tendons & making them grab at each...
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