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  1. C


    Ohh okay, thanks for this!!
  2. C

    Help! Gender/Sex of 2 Silkies? 🙏🏼😄😭❤️🐣🤷🏼‍♀️

    Look like hens to me, grey one looks a little more roosterish so maybe male??
  3. C


    I just got some ducks a few weeks ago snd im DYING! To lnow their gender because i am so scared of not enough females for drakes!!! If you guys have any advice and if this was a bad idea please LET ME KNOW. But please if u can identify the gender it woukd be much appreciated <3 ❤️
  4. C

    Need help determine gender of incubator chick

    If anyone can help me determine the gender of this baby 🥰 I can provide more pictures if needed THANKS!'
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    what eggs should i put under my hen for beautiful breeds?

    hello, my unidentified hen (slimmish RIR tone with dark orange neck feathers) has recently has gone broody and i wanted to know what type of eggs to look out for to put under my hen for beautiful breed combos, Heres my list, a alpha male black astro, very big beautiful and friendly. And then a...
  6. C

    Help ! Air cell on the side.

    Picture pls, and minimilize egg contact and sanitize plssss
  7. C

    Hello everyone

  8. C

    This is day 18 of my Americauna chicken egg, let me know if it's just day 18 or these blood vessels are dead ones please 🙁

    No no movement but the only time I checked was when I took the picture I didnt want to mess with it for a long time for obvious reasons (I think) but thank you so much 😭😭😭💕💕 best reply ever
  9. C

    Hello everyone

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Ive had chickens since childhood ever since my older brother wanted some he quickly grew tired of them but I took over with my mom when I was around 8 and ever since then I have loved them since :) (2) How many chickens do you...
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