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  1. M

    Wing sexing day olds

    Haha thank you! I appreciate your input and the helpful article :)
  2. M

    Wing sexing day olds

    So basically I need to wait for further development before sexing? 🥲🙃
  3. M

    Wing sexing day olds

    Man there’s so many people so sure of themselves about this 😂
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    Wing sexing day olds

    Hi all! I have 8 babies that came out of the incubator yesterday-hatched the 31st of May. I’ve heard females wing feathers start to develop before the males? That’s the general consensus it seems in the FB groups anyways lol. I’m attaching pictures of the babies. Please excuse their sores. I...
  5. M

    Silkie/satin sexing

    Breeder said he’s “pretty sure” this is a pullet. It’s a silkie mixed with a satin I THINK. I’m thinking roo 😂 what about you?
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    Broody Hen on eggs in snow 🤦‍♀️

    I actually made a post asking this same question earlier!! Fingers crossed for you
  7. M

    Mother off eggs

    How long can a mother hen be off her hatching eggs before we have problems? I’m in Ohio, weather has been in low 40s today, max amount of time that we are for sure of is 4ish hours give or take. Eggs are around 12 days along. I’ve been meticulously checking these eggs every morning and night...
  8. M

    8 week silkie sexing

    I’m not entirely concerned about the “purity” of the possible hen. Just want to make sure it’s a pullet 😂 I have a male silkie already and I’m worried he’s going to hump my Mille fleur hen to death and he’s twice her size. Basically I need a girlfriend for my roo lol
  9. M

    8 week silkie sexing

    Pretty sure he said satin
  10. M

    8 week silkie sexing

    I’m looking to get a silkie hen for my male because im worried he’s going to hurt my Mille fleurs. Can you help me with sexing? Breeder says he’s pretty sure they’re pullets. (He’s a local guy not a hatchery) What are your tried and true methods of sexing silkies??
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    Rude Rooster

    Next year we are going to put up a hot wire around a part of the yard. As of right now the chickens don’t care if a fence is in the way lol
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    Rude Rooster

    Thanks all, we’ve decided to give him until spring-then he will be rehomed. Mainly waiting because I have a friend who can give him a good home♥️
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    Rude Rooster

    Meet Sir. My handsome Houdan Roo. He used to be so friendly and lovable but after “peaking”, he has started attacking ankles. Instinctively, when he did it to me, I kicked him on the butt (just enough to lift him) and chased him down. I caught him and picked him up and held him for a few...
  14. M

    8 week Brahmas?

    They had them for too long and needed to get rid of them
  15. M

    8 week Brahmas?

    Well at least I only paid .85¢ each for them 😵‍💫
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    8 week Brahmas?

    😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 💩 🤦🏼‍♀️
  17. M

    8 week Brahmas?

    The first one is identical to my older Brahma
  18. M

    8 week Brahmas?

    These are RK pullets… or are supposed to be 😂 they were sold as buff Brahma pullets and they all looked the same when I got them but now that they’re feathered there’s obvious differences. Are they still all considered buff Brahma? Also, is the one with the red comb a roo?
  19. M

    Free ranging chickens! Q and A ( my experience)

    Hello! I’ve got 19 chickens outside currently, 1 roo. When we first moved them outside my 13 lb terrier mix with no freakin teeth managed to kill 3 in a matter of 2 days. She pins them and snaps their necks and leaves them. I have a 65lb coon hound who is spooked easily (oxymoron I know) and 2...
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