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  1. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Advanced Bumblefoot

    Thanks for the advice! I will order some PRID. Do you think I should still apply the Silvadene along with the PRID, or just the PRID? I also have vetericyn and triple antibiotic (without pain relief). I already have some aquamox in the chicken first aid kit. I haven’t used it before so I’ll go...
  2. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Advanced Bumblefoot

    Thanks for the links and taking the time to respond! I will check them out. I did research how to treat it at home when this all started but I was too anxious about hurting her with my inexperience so opted for the vet. However, it may well come to that. Yes, the mass between her toes is rock...
  3. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Advanced Bumblefoot

    Hello BYC! My Ancona hen, Sergeant Pepper, has been fighting a case of Bumblefoot since last December. She’s about 18 months old. (That’s her in my profile pic at around 5 weeks; she’s my favorite!) For fear of causing more harm than good I opted to take her to a local avian vet to have the...
  4. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    *UPDATE* Hen pecked off half her toe, advice needed

    In early April one of my hens pecked off the top half of her toe. In May I posted here to ask for advice as the bone was still exposed. Here is a link to the original post with pictures of the toe’s condition at that time...
  5. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    HELP! Is this Coccidiosis?! (poop pics attached)

    I dewormed with Valbazen recently (last month), and I’m hesitant to do it again so soon. I haven’t seen any worm sign. If it‘s just intestinal lining should I dose with Corid anyway to be safe?
  6. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    HELP! Is this Coccidiosis?! (poop pics attached)

    I did give a second dose after 10 days, but I suppose they could be infected again. I sure hope not, that 17 day egg withdrawal period after the last dose (plus the 10 days between doses) was brutal! Soo many wasted eggs!
  7. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    HELP! Is this Coccidiosis?! (poop pics attached)

    Thanks for the quick reply! That was my initial thought since there wasn’t any blood but I wanted to be sure. I spotted roundworms in a poop about the middle of last month so I dosed the flock with Valbazen and haven’t seen any more since, but I’ll keep an eye out.
  8. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Hi All!

    My name‘s Billy and I started keeping chickens last August. It’s the first time I’ve done it, and I’m having a blast. I have fourteen hens right now that I raised from chicks (they were 15 but one turned out to be a rooster and they‘re illegal where I live, unfortunately.) It’s a mixed flock...
  9. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    HELP! Is this Coccidiosis?! (poop pics attached)

    I spotted the poop this morning in the coop. Three days ago one of my RIRs was acting a bit off (listless, self-isolating, not eating and scratching with the others), but she’s been fine and back to normal behavior the last two days. No idea which hen left this poop, and no one else has any...
  10. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Hen pecked her toe off 6 weeks ago and bone is still exposed - is it healing properly?

    I’ve changed the dressing twice since the last post and stopped using the Blu-Kote altogether since I’m now confident that she cant pick the bandage off. However the bit of exposed bone is still purple and looks the same so I didn’t take another picture.
  11. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Hen pecked her toe off 6 weeks ago and bone is still exposed - is it healing properly?

    Bump for visibility. If the bone remains permanently exposed will I have to amputate further up the toe to get it to heal properly? Anyone knowledgable have some advice for me? Thanks!
  12. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Hen pecked her toe off 6 weeks ago and bone is still exposed - is it healing properly?

    Sure, will do, however at this point I’m pretty sure it’s permanently dyed purple. That Blu-Kote is serious stuff!
  13. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Hen pecked her toe off 6 weeks ago and bone is still exposed - is it healing properly? I don’t know why she pecked it so badly, but I assume she got it caught/cut/injured somewhere and then pecked at the visible blood until it just…came off. I’ve walked the coop and the run repeatedly and never could find the cause of initial injury. So...
  14. Billy_WitchDoctor_Dot_Com

    Hen pecked her toe off 6 weeks ago and bone is still exposed - is it healing properly?

    Hello! Like the title says, about six weeks ago one of my French Black Copper Marans pecked the top half of her toe clean off. I’ve been keeping it clean and bandaged ever since. She never got infected and the toe stub looks fine, i.e. no swelling, no pus, no discoloration, full range of...
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