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  1. MzRufio

    Chick with injured leg

    She's pretty well scabbed over today. She's not moving around much in her private box. I wanted to give her a few days before putting her back in the brooder. There are 15 in there and they play pretty rough. I'm now wondering about whether I need to give her a bath before I put her back in as...
  2. MzRufio

    Chick with injured leg

    Well, I didn't expect this to be my first thread. 4 week old Easter Egger got out of the brooder this morning during feeding. Not unusual. In the course of rounding her up, the wood frame we use for a lid fell on one of her legs. It skinned her pretty good. There's a half moon cut on the top...
  3. MzRufio

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hello, all! New to BYC. Moved to Osage County from KC in the fall of 2021. Been getting our homestead established and got our first chicks this year. Looking to build a hearty dual purpose flock. Happy to know there are other Kansans who can share their experience of what works and what...
  4. MzRufio

    No, not that Scranton

    Nice. I spent some time as a child in Prum, Germany because my dad was Air Force. Lovely country.
  5. MzRufio

    No, not that Scranton

    Thank you. Where in KS are you? We're still getting settled in here in Osage County.
  6. MzRufio

    No, not that Scranton

    Nothing!! When everyone hears Scranton though they assume PA. So I like to use it as an ice breaker. 😊 Scranton, PA is way above personal weather line. I'm cold enough here in KS. I could not hang in PA winters.
  7. MzRufio

    No, not that Scranton

    The empty coop taunted me. I was weak. :hitNow I'm selling our test run since they're too young to harvest for the freezer; clinging to my last shred of rationality that I don't need a second coop right now.
  8. MzRufio

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    Recycled content is a big deal to me, but that automatic door is looking really good as I slog through the wet grass to let my girls out this morning.
  9. MzRufio

    No, not that Scranton

    Hello from Scranton, KS!! Don't know where that is? It's ok. Neither did I until we bought a property here to establish our homestead. Year 1 was the garden, but this year has been all about the chickens. We obsessively researched which breeds so long that we ended up on the wait list with our...
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