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  1. girl4peace7

    Runny poo

    Your a genius, thank you so much!
  2. girl4peace7

    Runny poo

  3. girl4peace7

    Runny poo

    It's called chick starter
  4. girl4peace7

    Runny poo

    Okay yeah I thought it was a bit big too! It's standard medicated chick feed. I will give that a go!
  5. girl4peace7

    Runny poo

    Yes it can be quite daunting! They eat medicated chick feed. I did give them a little Greek yoghurt mixed with egg and chick feed yesterday. So could be that change in diet. I had read on this forum that the feed combination was a good probiotic for their immune system. Definitely trial and...
  6. girl4peace7

    Runny poo

    Hi can anyone help me one of my 5 day old chicks has runny poo they have had ACV in their water and gave them preventative coccidiosis treatment
  7. girl4peace7

    Lethargic Brahma rooster

    Hi just wanted to know how long does it take for a rooster to gain it's strength after being treated for mites. He was so lethargic yesterday has gained a little more strength today not so wobbly on his feet. But still tired. Fed him cooked egg
  8. girl4peace7

    Mustard poop

    Sorry about late reply super busy moving house 🏡👍
  9. girl4peace7

    Mustard poop

    Hello can someone please help me with this question is this colour poop anything to be concerned about. I had treated them for coccidiosis a few weeks ago.
  10. girl4peace7


    Also what is the breed of these, We were told buy owners polish bantam? Lovely nature they were hand raised and hatched the rooster and the little black hen
  11. girl4peace7


    Okay thanks 👍
  12. girl4peace7


    Also what is the breed of these, We were told buy owners polish bantam? Lovely nature they were hand raised and hatched the rooster and the little black hen
  13. girl4peace7


    Yes to confirm the rooster has 5 toes and the little hen has 4 toes
  14. girl4peace7


    Okay 👍 thanks
  15. girl4peace7


    Would his comb have grown more? He was hand raised amazing rooster. Miss him so much
  16. girl4peace7


    Easter Egger? Sorry not familiar with the acronym. Had to google what OE is found out means Old English?
  17. girl4peace7


    Also are you able to identify the breed of our other rooster. Which we sadly had to rehome
  18. girl4peace7


    Okay sounds interesting 🤔 will count his toes tomorrow and get back to you. appreciate your help👍
  19. girl4peace7


    It's looking like about 5-6 but will have a better look tomorrow in daylight
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