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  1. FunnyBunny89

    Possible Wyandotte cockerel? 11 weeks old

    Here's some lucky shots of the two side by side. You can really see the color and comb differences here!
  2. FunnyBunny89

    Possible Wyandotte cockerel? 11 weeks old

    I should also mention that they have all been molting a lot lately due to hot days, so Trina is missing some tail feathers
  3. FunnyBunny89

    Possible Wyandotte cockerel? 11 weeks old

    The photo uploader quit working so I put them on imgur. I labeled the photos too for more clarity.
  4. FunnyBunny89

    Possible Wyandotte cockerel? 11 weeks old

    Hello! It's been a couple weeks since my last post, where everyone helped me determine that I had no roos except MAYBE this one Wyandotte. I wanted to post more pictures of the two and see if anyone can help narrow it down to be more certain. I am befuddled because between the two, the smaller...
  5. FunnyBunny89

    Full Sun Exposure Coop - First Timer

    Oh interesting... the guys who built the framing for the door did a substandard job, can't imagine it would hold up with door switching. I could rebuild it though. The door is almost two inch thick barn wood, like the coop walls, and very heavy. We made it so it could not be pried at the...
  6. FunnyBunny89

    Full Sun Exposure Coop - First Timer

    Yes, all gaps have hardware cloth! And the coop is buried with cinder blocks so no diggers can get in. And thank you!! It's got my blood, sweat, and tears in it lol.
  7. FunnyBunny89

    Full Sun Exposure Coop - First Timer

    Thank you for the tips! We have the coop in an orchard, and the fence is 8 feet tall. We live in Northern California. Summers here can get to 105 F, and winters get down to 28, 25 at the lowest. It's hard to see it, but the coop has 2 inch gaps on all 4 sides along the ceiling. But I could add...
  8. FunnyBunny89

    Full Sun Exposure Coop - First Timer

    Here are a few more pics: one from the outside of the fence so you can see the rooster 😄 and the corner shade, one of the chicks on the cool side of the coop where they usually spend their afternoons, and one of them using the field cover I built. I spray the ground down so it can stay cool...
  9. FunnyBunny89

    Full Sun Exposure Coop - First Timer

    Hi all! We inherited an old chicken coop when we bought our forever home that used to sit in the shade of a very large digger pine tree. We had the property cleared of all diggers, and now the coop is in the sun 100% of the day. It does have a young oak growing next to it but it's not in a...
  10. FunnyBunny89

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Thanks a lot! Just my iPhone, I don't know if they'll all work for the calendar but I wanted to share anyway 😄
  11. FunnyBunny89

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Here are some Easter Egger pullets, around 12-13 weeks old. Featuring Beatrice (white), Pocahontas (the bearded one), and the rest of the flock; Edna, Red, Pearl, and Teddy. These ladies are feisty!
  12. FunnyBunny89

    Nobody knows which of these is a rooster for sure.

    Thanks everyone for your input! If we don't end up with any cockerels, that'll be just fine. If the Wyandotte is a cockerel, that'll be fine too. Better than my original fear that we had 3 potential roos. Here's a lovely picture I took yesterday of all my big chicks on the new roosting board I...
  13. FunnyBunny89

    Nobody knows which of these is a rooster for sure.

    Ahhh yes, okay, I definitely do not see that.
  14. FunnyBunny89

    Nobody knows which of these is a rooster for sure.

    Yes, they all are developing some green, I noticed. That's nice to read. Thank you for all the info!
  15. FunnyBunny89

    Nobody knows which of these is a rooster for sure.

    Okay great! Yes, one of the W definitely has a much brighter comb than the other one. Lol I feel so impatient now... I just want to know! But I can wait 😊 it's my first time and I'm just loving it. Can't help but be anxious to know.
  16. FunnyBunny89

    Nobody knows which of these is a rooster for sure.

    Okay, I will investigate more to be sure but I haven't noticed any extra glossy feathers on any of them except Teddy's neck feathers. My pics don't really capture it, but she/he does have long, glossy feathers around neck/shoulders.
  17. FunnyBunny89

    Nobody knows which of these is a rooster for sure.

    How about these little ones? Any chance they have any giveaways? These are the wyandottes and olive eggers, 7 weeks old.
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