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  1. H

    Help! Prolapsed vent surgery - Recovery time from anesthesia

    Thank you both so much! Do you know the dosage for the amoxicillin? She is 5.73 pounds
  2. H

    Help! Prolapsed vent surgery - Recovery time from anesthesia

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I spoke with the vet earlier this morning and honestly they weren’t much help. They also did not prescribe any oral antibiotics as they said they were so limited on what they could give us. Any info on over the counter stuff for that? I have...
  3. H

    Help please! Chicken in shock post surgery

    I have a sapphire gem that had a severe vent prolapse and egg binding corrected with vet surgery yesterday afternoon. Since the procedure, she has seemed to be in shock from everything I have read. Lethargic, won’t move much, sleeping and breathing deeply. I have her in a large dog kennel in a...
  4. H

    Help! Prolapsed vent surgery - Recovery time from anesthesia

    Our sapphire gem Clover had a severe prolapse yesterday due to egg binding. We took her to a vet and had the egg removed and the prolapse corrected. She has a number of stitches to hold the vent in place. Since she woke up from the surgery, she has been very tired. This morning she seems about...
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