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  1. WingedOnes

    RE: Broken wing!!! help!!!

    My Cochin rooster has the same symptoms drooping wing and green poop. We are nearing the end of the second week of the drooping wing and about five days of the green poop. I'm a new chicken caretaker, and like you, I don't know what is going on. I suspect Marek's, but I suppose it could be an...
  2. WingedOnes

    First Time Posting - Rooster with Droopy Wing and Green Poop

    Hi - I'm a new chicken caretaker and this is my first posting. My rooster, hatched in late July or late August 2010 (so he is 6-7 months old) in a local flock of 75 birds in central Virginia, is a Cochin or Cochin mixed with something else. In addition to the rooster, we have three hens that...
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