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  1. bigoledude

    Coyotes--Where do they eat their kill?--Sad Update :(

    A full grown coyote won't leave anything for the buzzards except some fur-filled scat. Trappers in Pennsylvania still get a decent price for pelts in that cold country. That might be why you haven't had problems with coyotes before. Ask around for local trappers who may come and solve the...
  2. bigoledude

    Have you given up your flock because of neighborhood predators?

    If you're in a rural area, chances are that you have a legal right to protect your stock by whatever means necessary. I am particularly in favor of the SSS method. It is absolutely, 100% effective. This SSS is the acronym for Shoot, Shovel and Shut-up. I had several confrontations with a...
  3. bigoledude


    Kill the rat and any others that show up. They're vermin!!!
  4. bigoledude


    I help many folks in this area with predator control. I don't claim to be an expert in this field. But, I have a blast doing this since my health prevents me from hunting as much as I used to. The more I do this, the better I've gotten. My typical solution is to kill the offending predator...
  5. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    Hey dekel18042 Sorry, I should have commented differently. I didn't mean to imply you don't know what your doing. Just tried to encourage OP and others to be persistent with these dogs. I am convinced that the cage traps are the LEAST EFFECTIVE by far.
  6. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    If you visit trapping websites with photos, you will see a preponderance of fox pelts hanging in the sheds of trappers. And, they will give you all you need to know on trapping foxes. Again, foxes are voraciously hungry. They are also very curious. Your foxes are accustomed to human scent...
  7. bigoledude

    How to protect against dogs

    The best way to handle a killer dog on the loose is to kill the dog. Historically, it is a rather recent phenomenon for people to consider protecting your stock as cruel. When I was a kid, and for generations before me, a dog might kill chickens ONCE! If spotted again it'd be dispatched on...
  8. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    The only predictable thing about predators is their Unpredictability. Leave that trap baited until you catch it. You may have to changes tactics several times before you get your chicken killer. One important thing you have going for you is that the predator is coming into close proximity to...
  9. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    Yes, a mink is absolutely in the weasel family and they, just like the entire weasel family are merciless killers. If they get in your coop at night, they will kill every bird in it. If they can. People always say that animals kill only what they can eat. Horse apples!! Just about every...
  10. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    Hey, there's a learning period. The smartest thing to do first is to secure your birds up tight as you can afford. Then start to educate yourself in all of the other areas. But, most importantly is don't get all bent and skull-cramped!! Enjoy your birds. I know there's a lot to learn but...
  11. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    Just remembered; There was an elderly lady about 30 minutes from me. She had something killing chicks. She couldn't afford a game cam and I had no idea what the culprit was either. So many of these predators kill in nearly the same fashion, it's nearly impossible to determine what's doing...
  12. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    Foxes and coyotes are in the canine (dog) family. They both have good sense of smell. The fox's sense of smell is not as acute as coyotes. But, their hearing is out-the-box. Most animals that have great big ears use them like a radar dish. I'm sure you've seen videos where foxes are...
  13. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    A fox or coyote will often catch and throttle a rabbit or chicken, wait a moment or two till it dies, then run off with it. You will rarely see a bunch of blood and guts at a fox or coyote kill of a small animal. I always encourage anyone to beef-up their coop and run against predators. But...
  14. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    That is hilarious George!!! I must admit that we Cajuns (I am pure French Cajun) have a reputation for eating lots of stuff that most folks would consider odd. I've never heard of anyone eating fox though. But, I do eat things like alligator, muskrat, nutria, gar fish and Asian carp! There...
  15. bigoledude

    what to do now?

    Possums are by far the easiest predator to eliminate with traps like this. These traps are called "dogproof traps". Go to YouTube to see how they work and how to set them. Very easy. I use a stick to stuff them with fish guts, canned tuna or...
  16. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    That's right George. But dead foxes will eat no chickens. Nor will they produce any baby foxes. Steel leg traps like this will work fine. Victor 1.75 4 Coiled Coilspring 5 3/8 jawspread for fox, badger, bobcat, lynx, nutria, coon, coyote and...
  17. bigoledude

    How can I scare away starlings without scaring my chickens?

    Starlings are a scourge where ever they exist. When I was a kid we had thousands of cedar waxwings, purple martins and many other desirable birds. It's a rare treat to see any of these breeds any more. If we put up a bird house it fills up immediately with the vicious starlings! I ran into...
  18. bigoledude

    Fake owls and hanging crows

    Fake owls and crows are absolutely useless. If birds of prey are a problem at your place, you must pen up your birds. The enclosure doesn't have to be very strong to keep birds out but, it must be completely enclosed. Especially on top.
  19. bigoledude

    Red fox spotted!

    Those red lights are absolutely a waste of time and money! Now if you add some green lights with them and it's Christmas time..... We know animals eyes glow at night when shined with a light. When do you suppose an animal ever sees a predator's eyes glowing like something out of a Steven...
  20. bigoledude

    If you could add two chickens to your backyard flock what would they be?

    I'd like to have some Bielevelders and some Langshans. I'd also like to have some real-deal heritage New Hampshires. Had a couple Birchen Marans Their eggs weren't as dark as the Black Copper birds but, they were soooo awesome-looking. The roosters were some of the most beautiful birds I...
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