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  1. moonhouse

    Broken back hen....advice?

    javascript:insert_text('', ''); Thanks for the story, Justusnak, I was hoping for something like that. I agree, Kim, that I'll just wait, and keep he stress free, and do what Justusnak did... give her aspirin in water and electrolytes and protein. I hope she pulls through. Thanks. I love...
  2. moonhouse

    Broken back hen....advice?

    I'm hoping that she is just sore too. However she really doesn't want to put her left leg down so I'm wondering if it's dislocated? I'll wait patiently and see how it turns out. I'm wondering about her back though or her lungs. Anyone else have a story?
  3. moonhouse

    Broken back hen....advice?

    Wednesday night my Rhode Island Red Hen that is nearly a year old got slammed by a very heavy coop door. Boo hoo. It's propped up by a stick (2X2) and while I had my back turned to refill the food I heard the door fall and a hen flap around. She was limping right away. Since I'm in Minnesota...
  4. moonhouse

    Teen caught Sneaking out Again!

    I'm a high school teacher. javascript:insert_text('',%20'');I would agree with the first post, that you should talk to the girl's parents with the kids in a calm solution-oriented way. But that would only be ideal if the parents can stay calm and the girl's parents may not be able to since they...
  5. moonhouse


    I live in Minneapolis and I'm planning on getting 2 layers, a Rhode Island Red and a Gold Laced Wyandotte.
  6. moonhouse

    How does using a tractor/ark effect the lawn?

    Thanks so much for your input. I appreciate it. Am I getting that the digging and the dust bowl are more of the problem than big piles of poop in the lawn? Also during the summer if I let them run all over the yard will they go to one area that's cool and dusty? Boy..I have lots o questions...
  7. moonhouse

    fellow northern midwesterners, how do you insulate you henhouse?

    I live in the city of Minneapolis and it gets quite chilli in the winter and quite hot in the summer. I'm wondering what other Minnesotans, North Dakotans, Iowans do to keep their chickens warm in the winter. I will have three hens. I understand that putting light in the henhouse makes sense...
  8. moonhouse

    How does using a tractor/ark effect the lawn?

    I'm a city girl with a lawn. I'm interested in the tractor henhouse and coop to be moved from different areas of the lawn. I'm wondering how that there a bunch of poop on the ground that can be watered into the dirt after the tractor is moved? Does it kill the grass? Do the...
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