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  1. kingsfarm

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hi Bev...I was looking through this thread and realized you are not far from me...I live in Lafayette..Do you have any chicks (pure) barred rocks at the moment? I also have a few but bought at feed store quality...I have since produced a roo and keep him seperated for the also raising...
  2. kingsfarm

    Lavender Australorps - Phase 1

    I would be very much interested in having a few lav. astralorpes...where do I get the eggs or do I start this project...where do I order? thank you...I have a pure black astralorpe roo and 4 hens...some mixs from them..would like lavs...thank you ..G
  3. kingsfarm

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    Sorry - my post was and has been already expressed, Pro- biotics...butter...and yes will go with White Rocks, anyone know where to get them?
  4. kingsfarm

    Farming and Homesteading Heritage Poultry

    Hello, so happy to have found this thread...would like to give a little information if you like..we milk a cow and make our own healthy and easy..we are an older couple who have benifited from this...all that is needed is "milk grains" (I was fortunate to have a friend who shared...
  5. kingsfarm

    New to the game

    Its my understanding you can put them on a Flock Raiser formula after you finish that bag of feed..check this out for was recommended to me starter is for chicks - then flock raiser can be feed until laying and if you choose you can give the adult feed (laying pellets)when they...
  6. kingsfarm

    nest boxes

    I have 8 nest boxes for 27 hens that lay... 19 are laying at the moment for diff. reasons and they usually use only 3 (the same 3) nest... when one decides to go broody they will change tactics.. (I think) one decides and they follow funny...good luck..and enjoy
  7. kingsfarm

    chick starter/grower feed

    Hi NeeCee, thank you for asking the question as I was in need of the same information. My Isa chicks are 9 weeks and the starter feed has run out...on to Flock Raiser...Thanks
  8. kingsfarm

    Isa Brown-spot in egg

    Is my understand right.....3rd season egg laying the Isa Brown develops a red spot in egg. Is this all Isa hens? I am getting the "spot" in eggs so have discontinued sharing eggs from these chickens, I eat them and they are fine...I don't think this will be "ok" with family and friends. I...
  9. kingsfarm

    Hatching my first KONZA!!!

    Hi, kingsfarm here, what are Konzas? have 5 three day old chicks that I tried to give to a broody sitting on eggs last night -I was holding her in a large brooder (she stopped sitting, rolled eggs out of nest, the same day) well she didn't accept them....miracle.. they must have kept each...
  10. kingsfarm

    Show Off Your Games!

    sorry, I don't have the ability or capability to send cell doesn't even send interest in the games is purely for the broodyness of the I said we are elderly and want to create the best circumstance for....our future......we love our chickens .. all .. some provide...
  11. kingsfarm

    Show Off Your Games!

    No game roo.....I stupidly let a creole beautiful roo to to someone elso because I "heard" it would put a fighting gene in my flock...Pooyie! Knowledge is the answer...can't the chick pick up size, color and some qualities from Hen.....It must be because the wheaton colored little hen looks...
  12. kingsfarm

    Show Off Your Games!

    SDM111 I am from south louisiana where are you...
  13. kingsfarm

    Show Off Your Games!

    Hello, I just found this thread and will read it through - backwards - today first..Ha. Thank you for all the conversation...We are elderly and have a little farm...I do love the old english game hens we have (3) one is totally black..ferousous (spelled wrong) mean as mean when setting...
  14. kingsfarm

    Omg they hatched!!!

    Congratulations to you...You will now have the pleasure of watching little mama care and train her chicks how to be chickens!!!! so much better with a easy...she does all the work, isn't God great....I am blessed with 7 broody hens and would never discourage one when she wants to...
  15. kingsfarm

    Lockdown May 18, 2014

    Day 22 and hatching....10 so far...3 Buff Orpingtons for sure and 1 ee but cannot figure out where it is..Ha. all eggs except one were on the left side of incubator I see pipping on one other egg on right side of incubator....after this I will have to check to make sure the heating elements...
  16. kingsfarm

    Third Hatch Brinsea - Lots of photos along the way.

    Hi ariel...this is Kingsfarm (from your first hatch) Ha. was browsing and saw you are on your 3rd hatch now...didn't take you long to get the "bug"..all sounds like so much fun...I am at lockdown - day 18 and pure bred chicks but great strong chicks from our own feeding...
  17. kingsfarm


    me too, am sorry for your loss...I lost 26 Isa Brown chicks to a racoon invasion...cemented around edge of coop...Its a sad day when that happens,..I don't know what I would do if it happened again......use every precaution, I lock them in at night....bless you...G
  18. kingsfarm

    Pipping eggs: on sides or straight up?

    my experience is to put them in the egg carton round side up ... .didn't have any problems .....G best to leave them be if you put them in right,,,,,,,do not open the not open... thats what they say....
  19. kingsfarm

    how to store eggs before incubating?

    I have read to put them in an egg carton and gently turn the carton over at least once a day...this is what I do with mine and have good results... G
  20. kingsfarm

    Lockdown May 18, 2014

    Thank you for responding...I do have a Little Giant with FAN...I am in south Louisiana , does this help you? I used to do wet incubation but find it so much simpler for you hatch in egg cartons? it is so much CLEANER and they do not struggle as much as on screen.. If I remember right...
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