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  1. nerd0geekboyz

    lost my hen in neigbor's weed filled yard

    I thought that I lost my hen to a hawk but then I saw her in my neighbor's back yard. Once I entered the yard she ran and hid in the thick of weeds. I grabbed two other hens, put them in a cage and placed the cage in the neighbor's backyard hoping that she will come out of hiding. It's 6:46...
  2. nerd0geekboyz

    18 month Delaware is dead

    I thought that my delaware was not producing as many eggs I would expect but she had seemed quite normal days before. The Delaware was certainly on the bottom of the pecking order (she was always timid) but I never seen her picked on by the others. Today, I opened my coop to find her on her...
  3. nerd0geekboyz

    Egg Bound.? Hen won't sit.

    I needs some help diagnosing my hen's issue. Symptoms: 1. She sat in the nesting box for at least two hours. No egg 2. She would not sit on the perch, she remained standing 3. She is pooping but it is diarrhea 4. When I hold her under my arm pit area to check her cloaca area she pants...
  4. nerd0geekboyz

    Irregular egg and pecked

    My Ameraucana (as it was sold as) has slowed down egg production which is expected. However, the last three eggs have had this mark on it and she also pecked it (no eaten). I have read that the hens will peck at eggs they feel are not strong enough. Anyhow, this irregular egg has me a bit...
  5. nerd0geekboyz

    Just the whites of the egg: No shell and no yolk

    Yesterday my Delaware laid just the whites with the membrane. Pretty interesting. They all have access to plenty of Oyster shell, so I am thinking she just had a bad day.
  6. nerd0geekboyz

    Comb scabs

    I recently found that my Delaware had, what looked like, a scab on her comb. I put some antibiotic ointment on it and have been monitoring it. It simply looks like a simple scab, however I could be wrong. Anyone have any thoughts on what is causing this scabbing on her comb?
  7. nerd0geekboyz

    Miniature Egg

    Anyone ever get a miniature egg? Looks like it came from my Ameraucana but I also posted a malformed egg picture which came from my Delaware. picture of the tiny egg picture of the malformed egg
  8. nerd0geekboyz

    Strange looking Egg from my Delaware

    My Delaware has laid two eggs that are somewhat malformed. Anyone have a similar issue and if so, is my chicken having a problem?
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