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  1. chickie4722

    Sexing Wyandotte Chicks!!!

    Hi, I have a clutch of golden laced Wyandotte chicks that are 1 week old and Ameracana X Wyandotte chicks that are 4 days old. What is the best way to try and sex them at this age? Thanks, L
  2. chickie4722

    New Chicks

    Hi Everyone, My Ameracana and Wyandotte Bantam Hens have just hatched their first clutches of eggs, the first 9 out of 12 and the other 10 out of 11. I currently have them in their own brood boxes and give them supervised run sessions but need some advice on the best way to integrate them. I...
  3. chickie4722

    Roo with foot abcescess

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice in regards to my Wyandotte Rooster, he has what looks like calluses and an abscess on his foot, in between his middle and outside toe from top to bottom. The local vets want $790 to lance and drain this abscess which seems crazy to me. So right now I...
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