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  1. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Gopher Boy, So precious. So glad you found them! Poor Gizmo! He could have froze to death.
  2. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    CTR yes you are so right ! I was reading an article about the emancipation proclamation on my other screen as I was typing the post. Did not even notice, Thanks for the correction. So much for dual tasking!
  3. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    That is a great picture Katy! Too darn cute.
  4. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Yes, he loves to watch my girls!
  5. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Well, Snuffy is still with us. Has full range of the house, getting along pretty well with the others. And yes, I am getting attached. He follows me around the house, still very skittish. Here's a pic.
  6. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Hi Spook, Post some pics of your cat. Would love to see him. Cats can die so fast if they have a blockage. So glad you caught it in barely enough time. I adopted middle aged a cat years ago, long story. Even though he was fixed, 2 weeks after I had him he started to pee everywhere, blood in his...
  7. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    So many pretty kitties here! I will have to post some of my "mutts" that are all rescued. Will get a better pic of the siamese also. BTW, made posts and looked on Craigs list and the national pet finder/ lost pet sight. Put signs up including local stores, vet etc., asked neighbors, called...
  8. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Quote: I did consider it, but he has gained 3/4lb since I brought him in Monday night. He is skinny, but not emaciated . Weight is 8 1/2 lbs, he would be good at 12 to 14 with his structure. I have a baby scale that I use to monitor my cats, and any of the felines that find me.( That I find...
  9. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Such a cute pic! I had to take my new found friend to the vet today. Noticed he was having difficulty urinating. Luckily it is just the start of an infection. No blood or blockage. Makes me wonder if some poor excuse of a human dumped him because of inappropriate behavior.
  10. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Rebecca, I tried to look at his paws, he has a foot fetish, but has his claws. Very relieved for that. I really can't tell what color the pads are. He is in need of a bath and good grooming. I don't want to freak him out too much yet. He has brilliant blue eyes. Here is a pic of him in between...
  11. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    MrsCountryChick, CiCi looks like one content kitty. He is lucky he found you. Yes I have many myself in my little zoo. They all are victims of human nature, treating animals as disposable objects. So sad that someone declawed him and turned him out. Personally, I consider the act of declawing...
  12. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Monarc23 She has really cool markings! Awesome cat.
  13. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    Spook, I am the same way I have raised kittens and cats most of my life. Don't ever feel like an idiot for caring. Cats are very smart. They know when it is right. Feel fortunate for having this gift. Like you, I participate and am an advocate for TNR, Trap Neuter Return. It is not cruel. I...
  14. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    So sorry about your kitty Ewesheep. KatieKat was beautiful. Looking at the other kitties here, he does look like a blue seal, or point. I don't know much about the siamese, all my cats are mutts! Still trying to get a better pic to show what he really looks like. He looks more brown in the last...
  15. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    You all have such pretty kitties! Thanks for all the responses. Took him to the vet hoping he had a microchip, no such luck. The vet assistant thinks he's 3 or 4 years old from the looks of his teeth. He is so skinny every back bone and rib can be felt. Next step is to call local shelters and...
  16. nerfy

    Beatiful Siamese Stray..Wish me luck...caught him!

    My husband had told me of a new cat that started to hang out by our home. I have a colony of TNR cats, for weeks, never saw the "mystery" cat. Asked DH what it looked like,the response was "I dunno, Grayish?" To make a long story short, I saw him for the first time Sunday. Went to feed the...
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