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  1. J

    Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

    Ok. The breeder I got the nieders from was bragging about their laying but of my pullets that are laying they seem to be by far the most infrequent. I get about an egg a day from my SLW and my Brahma and my FBCM lays 2 days in a row takes off the third day then lays the next two etc...
  2. J

    Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

    I'm in eastern Washington my girls started to lay on Christmas! I am supplementing light this year to hopefully get my pullets laying before spring. I just have a 40watt bulb on a timer come on at 3am goes off at noon. I am also feeding cayenne pepper which I dunno off coincidence or not but...
  3. J

    Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

    I had a mystery egg Saturday and now today I have 2 niederrheiner eggs! The mystery of who laid them is over as I caught one in the process and the eggs are identical. I'm wondering what you guys find to be the average production for these guys. Seems like a long time between eggs, Saturday...
  4. J

    Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

    Not a great picture but that one of my girls in the top left of the picture. Love my gentle giants though my Brahma makes them look small!
  5. J

    Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

    Ok neiderrheiner people. How old were your girls when they started to lay? I have 2 that are about 6 months I think. They are not really showing any signs my month and a half younger barred rocks are developing combs and waddles more so than the neiders and my marans that is 3-4 weeks older...
  6. J

    Niederrheiner Thread! All Colors!

    My litte..... Well not so little lol miss priss. She loves the mirror! My neiders are very sweet and talkative will try to get good pictures of them tomorrow they are between 3 and 4 months now I think.
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