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  1. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    She is definitely not worse so that is a start. I would like to say I see improvement but I don't want to get to far ahead of myself. The head shaking has been absent for a couple days now. I will keep her on the wormer and pain mess for a few more days. She loves canned corn I do know that!
  2. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    I have plenty of antibiotic. I will talk to the vet on Monday and hopefully get her in
  3. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    I do have some amoxicillin, 250 mg. Do you think I could try giving that to her in the food? I have read that an ear ache or sinus infection may be helped by this med.
  4. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    Yes I did see the vet do a real good physical examination. I feel she did all she could for a first visit. She was confident it was a pain issue in her left knee or hip and that the Metacam would do the trick in a few days. The net option is an xray and they need to sedate Lucy in order to do...
  5. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    This is a video of Lucy walking when she does get up and move around. Any ideas on what might be wrong?
  6. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    I hope this video works, great idea thanks! This is Lucy shaking her head as if something is bothering her.
  7. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    I didn't think about telling the vet about the headshaking until I saw her doing it a few days after we saw her. She will not do it if she knows you are watching and seems to do it when she is getting settled in to take a nap. I did sneak a video of her doing it(can't get it to upload to this...
  8. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    If it is gape worm will the safeguard wormer take care of it? Can worms in general weaken their legs to this degree? She has been on Metacam (anti inflammation med) for a week now prescribed by the vet. The vet wants to do an X-ray next before she prescribes anything else. I know there are no...
  9. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    Ok I will start the wormer today. She was 7 pounds at the vet so I am figuring .23 ml per pound would be 1.61ml daily for five days. I hope it works, thanks for all the help
  10. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    Last year she laid eggs October thru January along with my one other goose I had at the time. The other one started laying last month but Lucy has not laid one yet this year. The limp started long before the other one laid her egg so I do not believe it is connected. I hold her quite often and...
  11. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    Yes she has food and water in with her. She eats pretty good, I do not see her taking in much water though. I will see if I can find the safeguard wormer here in town.
  12. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    This is the poo from my goose his morning. She had eaten some lettuce and corn prior to this so this is a good one compared to most.
  13. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    Thank you all for the responses. She does honk, quite often actually. She is completely normal other than unable to stand or walk for any amount of time. She does get in the kiddie pool every other day and cleans herself and grooms all day long. We have her penned off from the other geese...
  14. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    We tried the Niacin when the limp started to get bad with no positive results. I have just started to add the electrolytes to her water so we will see if it helps. I will add the Niacin back in also, figure it cannot hurt Thank you for your response. Dennis
  15. denco5

    2 year old goose cannot stand

    I have a 2 year old Chinese goose. She started limping about two months ago and now cannot walk or stand. Avian vet said no broken bones and put her on metacam for pain and swelling. After 7 day there are no changes. I noticed that when she sits she is constantly shaking her head or rubbing her...
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