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  1. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    I definitely will do that! It seems to have very good reviews so hopefully it works as advertised! :) I was totally planning to buy a Genesis lol but as I was shopping around for the best price I stumbled on the Incuview. I had seen them before and kind of forgot about them lol. I'm really...
  2. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    @WVduckchick my new 'bator should arrive next week! :weee I decided to go with an Incuview All-In-One so I'm excited to try it out lol
  3. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Oh my goodness what an adorable picture! :love I'm thinking I must not have posted an update on my last hatch lol... I ended up with 5 Calico bantam Cochins- 1 was a full assist malpo, 3 black Bantam Cochins and 4 Seramas! All the Cochin chicks have already gone to their new homes but the...
  4. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Hi! Thanks! I feel like I may need it lol :highfive: Yeah I use the term "lockdown" loosely. There will still be daily candling lol. We had so many broodies here last year I almost forgot how hard these last few days are to wait for the hatch lol!
  5. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    :frow Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted here. It's great to have the incubators running again! :yiipchick I locked down one group of my own eggs today, and have 2 other groups of shipped eggs staggered behind these.
  6. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    It looks great! Love all the details! How long did it take you to decorate it?
  7. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Hmm interesting that the vet diagnosed a bacterial infection without even checking a stool sample or doing a C&S to know what bacteria to treat for. But maybe he/she sees that type of thing often or just gives folks broad spectrum antibiotics to cover the bases. Not a fan of that, personally...
  8. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    X2 Like Pyxis said, its expensive to run tests for viruses and having a culture and sensitivity is the best route to diagnose and treat bacterial issues. Unfortunately, all that usually isn't practical or even possible for many of us. But there isn't a way to know exactly what you're up...
  9. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    So sorry :hugs :hugs sounds like you're doing everything you can. Birds can be carriers of all sorts of things that may never cause illness in one bird but can make another show symptoms. If you're dealing with something viral, antibiotics can help prevent/treat secondary infections, but the...
  10. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    :ep wow those are hardy chicks!!
  11. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Thanks! :frow :highfive: Hopefully after it gains some strength in those little legs you'll be able to put it back with momma! Nice!! Can't wait to see those self-blue oegb's and chocolate orp chicks when they hatch! Thanks for offering Hope you have a great hatch and get the birds...
  12. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Just an update on my most recent hatch last week- we had 4 Mille/ Calicos hatch out of 5 that locked down. These were my first babies from my cochin group :-) 4 healthy Milles, the last one was DIS. It was a wrong end pip that was on the underside of the egg and I didn't know it pipped. When I...
  13. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Thanks, Ruby! Fwiw I wouldn't try the no turning experiment myself. I have a feeling they would start but end up quitting on you without turning. :highfive: you're not alone! I'm also a stay at home mom to 4 kids ages 2-13 and chickens have become my hobby too. Thankfully my best friend also...
  14. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    I'm hoping someone can help me out with an estimate on what day these turkey eggs are on. My Amish neighbor came by Monday and said another neighbor's turkey had decided to nest in his barn. Normally he would have let her hatch them, but something (he suspects skunk) was stealing and eating...
  15. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    :love George! Aw thanks! It was awesome to meet you too! Your husband cracked me up too- right off the bat, asked me "are you one of those crazy chicken ladies too?" :lau Yep, I am! Lol Congrats everyone!! Oh my goodness they are adorable!!!! Congrats, you did great! :yiipchick
  16. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Glad to hear she's eating, drinking and has some company! I took the very same approach to let my chick stay with the group when we had a bantam Cochin chick who somehow injured her leg /hip and was straight legged and unable to bear much weight. I decided not to isolate her for the same reasons...
  17. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    Oh no! I'm so sorry How is the other chick doing with the leg injury this morning?
  18. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    @AmyLynn2374 :hugs I'm sure that was extremely stressful. Hope your little silkies will be ok with some tlc and time. Edited to add tag- quote didn't attach.
  19. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    If you are 100% sure it's the vent and not the umbilical she may have a problem we can't help you fix. Could be an internal defect, sorry. You seem to have alot of issues with your chicks and birds. My best advice to you would be to stop incubating for awhile and focus on caring for the birds...
  20. Laurel Meadows

    Hands on hatching and help

    :ep 46 eggs! Lol glad you didn't have to pull all those while she was on the nest! Yikes! Lol well I can understand that! I have a fridge shelf full of eggs myself
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